Gabrielle-Ann Torre
Gabrielle-Ann Torre
Boston University
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Cited by
Differences in resting state functional connectivity between young adult endurance athletes and healthy controls
DA Raichlen, PK Bharadwaj, MC Fitzhugh, KA Haws, GA Torre, ...
Frontiers in human neuroscience 10, 610, 2016
Relationships between gray matter volume and reading ability in typically developing children, adolescents, and young adults
GAA Torre, GF Eden
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 36, 100636, 2019
Interactive effects of subjective memory complaints and hypertension on learning and memory performance in the elderly
LA Nguyen, KA Haws, MC Fitzhugh, GA Torre, GA Hishaw, GE Alexander
Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition 23 (2), 154-170, 2016
The relationship between brain structure and proficiency in reading and mathematics in children, adolescents, and emerging adults
GA Torre, AA Matejko, GF Eden
Developmental cognitive neuroscience 45, 100856, 2020
The Early Language Environment and the Neuroanatomical Foundations for Reading
GA Torre, CC McKay, AA Matejko
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (7), 1136-1138, 2019
Developmental Dyslexia: When the Brain Struggles to Read: Gabrielle-Ann A. Torre, Cameron C. McKay:[Ressource électronique]
GAA Torre, CC McKay
Frontiers for Young Minds 8 (538176), 6, 2020
Cognitive Neuroscience of Developmental Dyslexia
AA Matejko, CC McKay, SM Ashburn, GA Torre, GF Eden
Developmental Dyslexia: When the Brain Struggles to Read
GAA Torre, CC Mckay
Frontiers for Young Minds, 2020
The Early Language Environment and the Neuroanatomica Foundations for Reading.
AA Matejko, GAA Torre, CC McKay
Journal of Neuroscience 39 (7), 2019
Studies of the Brain-Behavioral Relationships of Anatomy and Reading Ability
GAA Torre
Georgetown University, 2019
MRI Gray Matter Networks of Verbal and Perceptual Performance Differences in Healthy Aging
GA Torre
The University of Arizona., 2014
Multivariate Regional Network of Gray Matter Volume Associated with Healthy Cognitive Aging
JW Lines, JW Totenhagen, KA Haws, MC Fitzhugh, GA Hishaw, GA Torre, ...
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