Keith Barney
Keith Barney
Associate Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
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Cited by
Laos and the Making of a ‘Relational’ Resource Frontier
K Barney
Geographical Journal 175 (2), 146-159, 2009
Land, Livelihoods, and Remittances: A Political Ecology of Youth Out-migration Across the Lao–Thai Mekong Border
K Barney
Critical Asian Studies 44 (1), 57-83, 2012
The Political Ecology of Cross-Sectoral Cumulative Impacts: Modern Landscapes, Large Hydropower Dams and Industrial Tree Plantations in Laos and Cambodia
IG Baird, K Barney
The Journal of Peasant Studies 44 (4), 769-795, 2017
Conceptualising Party-State Governance and Rule in Laos
S Creak, K Barney
Journal of Contemporary Asia 48 (5), 693-716, 2018
Structural Injustice, Slow Violence? The Political Ecology of a “Best Practice” Hydropower Dam in Lao PDR
DJH Blake, K Barney
Journal of Contemporary Asia 48 (5), 808-834, 2018
China and the Production of Forestlands in Lao PDR: A Political Ecology of Transnational Enclosure
K Barney
Taking Southeast Asia to Market: Commodities, Nature, and People in the …, 2008
The China Forest Products Trade: Overview of Asia-Pacific Supplying Countries, Impacts and Implications
E Katsigris, GQ Bull, A White, C Barr, K Barney, Y Bun, F Kahrl, T King, ...
International Forestry Review 6 (3-4), 237-253, 2004
Power, Progress and Impoverishment: Plantations, Hydropower, Ecological Change and Community Transformation in Hinboun District, Lao PDR, A Field Report
K Barney
York University, York Center for Asian Research, 2007
Re‐encountering Resistance: Plantation Activism and Smallholder Production in Thailand and Sarawak, Malaysia
K Barney
Asia Pacific Viewpoint 45 (3), 325-339, 2004
Transnational Labour Migration and Livelihoods in Rural Asia: Tracing Patterns of Agrarian and Forest Change
R Sunam, K Barney, JF McCarthy
Geoforum 118, 1-13, 2021
Internal Resettlement in Laos: Reading Too Much Into Aspirations: More Explorations of the Space between Coerced and Voluntary Resettlement in Laos
IG Baird, K Barney, P Vandergeest, B Shoemaker
Critical Asian Studies 41 (4), 605-620, 2009
Credit Crunch: Chinese Infrastructure Lending and Lao Sovereign Debt
K Barney, K Souksakoun
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies, 1-20, 2021
Central Plans and Global Exports: Tracking Vietnam's Forestry Commodity Chains and Export Links to China
K Barney
Forest Trends, 2005
Grounding Global Forest Economies: Resource Governance and Commodity Power in Rural Laos
KD Barney
York University, 2011
Large Acquisition of Rights on Forest Lands for Tropical Timber Concessions and Commercial Wood Plantations
A Molnar, K Barney, M DeVito, A Karsenty, D Elson, M Benavides, ...
ILC, 2011
Rupture: Towards a Critical, Emplaced and Experiential View of Nature-Society Crisis
S Mahanty, S Milne, K Barney, W Dressler, P Hirsch, TX Phuc
Dialogues in Human Geography, 2023
A Note on Forest-land Concessions, Social Conflicts, and Poverty in the Mekong Region
K Barney
Proceedings: International Conference on Poverty Reduction and Forests …, 2007
Baseline Study 2, Lao PDR: Overview of Forest Governance, Markets and Trade
K Barney, K Canby …, 2011
At the Supply Edge: Thailand's Forest Policies, Plantation Sector, and Commodity Export Links with China
K Barney
Forest Trends Assoc., 2005
Revealing Environmental Income in Rural Livelihoods: Evidence from Four Villages in Lao PDR
A Van Der Meer Simo, P Kanowski, K Barney
Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 1-18, 2018
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Articles 1–20