Jan-Pieter Buylaert
Jan-Pieter Buylaert
Senior researcher
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A robust feldspar luminescence dating method for Middle and Late P leistocene sediments
JP Buylaert, M Jain, AS Murray, KJ Thomsen, C Thiel, R Sohbati
Boreas 41 (3), 435-451, 2012
Luminescence dating of the Stratzing loess profile (Austria)–Testing the potential of an elevated temperature post-IR IRSL protocol
C Thiel, JP Buylaert, A Murray, B Terhorst, I Hofer, S Tsukamoto, ...
Quaternary International 234 (1-2), 23-31, 2011
Testing the potential of an elevated temperature IRSL signal from K-feldspar
JP Buylaert, AS Murray, KJ Thomsen, M Jain
Radiation measurements 44 (5-6), 560-565, 2009
Identifying well-bleached quartz using the different bleaching rates of quartz and feldspar luminescence signals
AS Murray, KJ Thomsen, N Masuda, JP Buylaert, M Jain
Radiation measurements 47 (9), 688-695, 2012
On the internal radioactivity in quartz
D Vandenberghe, F De Corte, JP Buylaert, J Kučera
Radiation Measurements 43 (2-6), 771-775, 2008
Penetration of Atlantic westerly winds into Central and East Asia
J Vandenberghe, H Renssen, K van Huissteden, G Nugteren, M Konert, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 25 (17-18), 2380-2389, 2006
Luminescence dating of old (> 70 ka) Chinese loess: a comparison of single-aliquot OSL and IRSL techniques
JP Buylaert, D Vandenberghe, AS Murray, S Huot, F De Corte, ...
Quaternary Geochronology 2 (1-4), 9-14, 2007
A new irradiated quartz for beta source calibration
V Hansen, A Murray, JP Buylaert, EY Yeo, K Thomsen
Radiation Measurements 81, 123-127, 2015
Optical dating of Chinese loess using sand-sized quartz: Establishing a time frame for Late Pleistocene climate changes in the western part of the Chinese Loess Plateau
JP Buylaert, AS Murray, D Vandenberghe, M Vriend, F De Corte
Quaternary Geochronology 3 (1-2), 99-113, 2008
Optically stimulated luminescence dating using quartz
A Murray, LJ Arnold, JP Buylaert, G Guérin, J Qin, AK Singhvi, R Smedley, ...
Nature Reviews Methods Primers 1 (1), 72, 2021
IRSL and post-IR IRSL residual doses recorded in modern dust samples from the Chinese Loess Plateau
JP Buylaert, C Thiel, AS Murray, DAG Vandenberghe, S Yi, H Lu
Geochronometria 38, 432-440, 2011
Ice-volume-forced erosion of the Chinese Loess Plateau global Quaternary stratotype site
T Stevens, JP Buylaert, C Thiel, G Újvári, S Yi, AS Murray, M Frechen, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 983, 2018
The effect of preheating on the IRSL signal from feldspar
AS Murray, JP Buylaert, KJ Thomsen, M Jain
Radiation Measurements 44 (5-6), 554-559, 2009
Counter-intuitive influence of Himalayan river morphodynamics on Indus Civilisation urban settlements
A Singh, KJ Thomsen, R Sinha, JP Buylaert, A Carter, DF Mark, PJ Mason, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 1617, 2017
A detailed post‐IR IRSL dating study of the Niuyangzigou loess site in northeastern China
S Yi, JP Buylaert, AS Murray, H Lu, C Thiel, L Zeng
Boreas 45 (4), 644-657, 2016
Investigating the resetting of OSL signals in rock surfaces
R Sohbati, AS Murray, M Jain, JP Buylaert, KJ Thomsen
Geochronometria 38, 249-258, 2011
Luminescence dating of the PASADO core 5022-1D from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina) using IRSL signals from feldspar
JP Buylaert, AS Murray, AC Gebhardt, R Sohbati, C Ohlendorf, C Thiel, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 71, 70-80, 2013
Contrasting dust supply patterns across the north-western Chinese Loess Plateau during the last glacial-interglacial cycle
M Vriend, MA Prins, JP Buylaert, J Vandenberghe, H Lu
Quaternary International 240 (1-2), 167-180, 2011
Luminescence dating of P leistocene alluvial sediments affected by the A lhama de M urcia fault (eastern B etics, S pain)–a comparison between OSL, IRSL and post‐IR IRSL ages
R Sohbati, AS Murray, JP Buylaert, M Ortuńo, PP Cunha, E Masana
Boreas 41 (2), 250-262, 2012
Coupled European and Greenland last glacial dust activity driven by North Atlantic climate
G Újvári, T Stevens, M Molnár, A Demény, F Lambert, G Varga, AJT Jull, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (50), E10632-E10638, 2017
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