Biogeography of the Australian monsoon tropics DMJS Bowman, GK Brown, MF Braby, JR Brown, LG Cook, MD Crisp, ... Journal of Biogeography 37 (2), 201-216, 2010 | 369 | 2010 |
Small but mighty: headwaters are vital to stream network biodiversity at two levels of organization DS Finn, N Bonada, C Múrria, JM Hughes Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30 (4), 963-980, 2011 | 339 | 2011 |
Genes in streams: using DNA to understand the movement of freshwater fauna and their riverine habitat JM Hughes, DJ Schmidt, DS Finn BioScience 59 (7), 573-583, 2009 | 334 | 2009 |
Constraints on recovery: using molecular methods to study connectivity of aquatic biota in rivers and streams JM Hughes Freshwater Biology 52 (4), 616-631, 2007 | 289 | 2007 |
Dispersal and recruitment in streams: evidence from genetic studies SE Bunn, JM Hughes Journal of the North American Benthological Society 16 (2), 338-346, 1997 | 284 | 1997 |
Nursing therapeutics: Teaching student nurses care, compassion and empathy C Richardson, M Percy, J Hughes Nurse education today 35 (5), e1-e5, 2015 | 234 | 2015 |
Human effects on ecological connectivity in aquatic ecosystems: integrating scientific approaches to support management and mitigation DA Crook, WH Lowe, FW Allendorf, T Erős, DS Finn, BM Gillanders, ... Science of the total environment 534, 52-64, 2015 | 218 | 2015 |
Ecological roles and threats to aquatic refugia in arid landscapes: dryland river waterholes F Sheldon, SE Bunn, JM Hughes, AH Arthington, SR Balcombe, ... Marine and Freshwater Research 61 (8), 885-895, 2010 | 211 | 2010 |
Phosphates J Hughes, J Rakovan, M Kohn, JM Hughes Washington DC, The Mineralogical Society of America, 293-334, 2002 | 208 | 2002 |
Pulmonary haemorrhage complicating Wegener's granulomatosis and microscopic polyarteritis. SJ Haworth, CO Savage, D Carr, JM Hughes, AJ Rees Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 290 (6484), 1775-1778, 1985 | 198 | 1985 |
When oceans meet: a teleost shows secondary intergradation at an Indian–Pacific interface SF Chenoweth, JM Hughes, CP Keenan, S Lavery Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998 | 161 | 1998 |
Mitochondrial DNA evidence for rapid colonisation of the Indo–West Pacific by the mudcrab Scylla serrata D Gopurenko, JM Hughes, CP Keenan Marine Biology 134, 227-233, 1999 | 156 | 1999 |
The taxonomic feedback loop: symbiosis of morphology and molecules TJ Page, SC Choy, JM Hughes Biology Letters 1 (2), 139-142, 2005 | 151 | 2005 |
Phylogeography of the freshwater fish, Mogurnda adspersa, in streams of northeastern Queensland, Australia: evidence for altered drainage patterns DA Hurwood, JM Hughes Molecular Ecology 7 (11), 1507-1517, 1998 | 141 | 1998 |
Gene flow among conspecific populations of Baetis sp.(Ephemeroptera): adult flight and larval drift SK Schmidt, JM Hughes, SE Bunn Journal of the North American Benthological Society 14 (1), 147-157, 1995 | 140 | 1995 |
Concordance between dispersal and mitochondrial gene flow: isolation by distance in a tropical teleost, Lates calcarifer (Australian barramundi) SF Chenoweth, JM Hughes, CP Keenan, S Lavery Heredity 80 (2), 187-197, 1998 | 134 | 1998 |
Genetic structure of the stonefly, Yoraperla brevis, populations: the extent of gene flow among adjacent montane streams JM Hughes, PB Mather, AL Sheldon, FW Allendorf Freshwater Biology 41 (1), 63-72, 1999 | 130 | 1999 |
Regional patterns of genetic structure among Australian populations of the mud crab, Scylla serrata (Crustacea: Decapoda): evidence from mitochondrial DNA D Gopurenko, JM Hughes Marine and freshwater research 53 (5), 849-857, 2002 | 123 | 2002 |
Biogeographic history of an Australian freshwater shrimp, Paratya australiensis (Atyidae): the role life history transition in phylogeographic diversification BD Cook, AM Baker, TJ Page, SC Grant, JH Fawcett, DA Hurwood, ... Molecular Ecology 15 (4), 1083-1093, 2006 | 122 | 2006 |
Effects of super-absorbent polymers on a soil–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) system in the field X Li, JZ He, JM Hughes, YR Liu, YM Zheng Applied Soil Ecology 73, 58-63, 2014 | 121 | 2014 |