Mark Carter
Mark Carter
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Cited by
Social Stories™ for children with disabilities
G Reynhout, M Carter
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 36 (4), 445-469, 2006
A review of the efficacy of the picture exchange communication system intervention
D Preston, M Carter
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 39, 1471-1486, 2009
The nature of friendship in children with autism spectrum disorders: A systematic review
N Petrina, M Carter, J Stephenson
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 (2), 111-126, 2014
Perspectives of university students with autism spectrum disorder
AH Anderson, M Carter, J Stephenson
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 48, 651-665, 2018
A systematic literature review of the experiences and supports of students with autism spectrum disorder in post-secondary education
AH Anderson, J Stephenson, M Carter
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 39, 33-53, 2017
A randomised controlled trial of two early intervention programs for young children with autism: Centre-based with parent program and home-based
J Roberts, K Williams, M Carter, D Evans, T Parmenter, N Silove, T Clark, ...
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 5 (4), 1553-1566, 2011
Identification of intentional communication in students with severe and multiple disabilities
T Iacono, M Carter, J Hook
Augmentative and Alternative Communication 14 (2), 102-114, 1998
Social relationships and friendships of children with developmental disabilities: Implications for inclusive settings. A systematic review
AA Webster, M Carter
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 32 (3), 200-213, 2007
The social skills and social status of mainstreamed students with intellectual disabilities
C Kemp, M Carter
Educational Psychology 22 (4), 391-411, 2002
The use of weighted vests with children with autism spectrum disorders and other disabilities
J Stephenson, M Carter
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 39, 105-114, 2009
Promoting interaction with children using augmentative communication through a peer‐directed intervention
M Carter, K Maxwell
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 45 (1), 75-96, 1998
Social Story™ efficacy with a child with autism spectrum disorder and moderate intellectual disability
G Reynhout, M Carter
Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 22 (3), 173-181, 2007
A review of three controversial educational practices: Perceptual motor programs, sensory integration, and tinted lenses
KJ Hyatt, J Stephenson, M Carter
Education and Treatment of Children, 313-342, 2009
The effect of activity type on the engagement and interaction of young children with disabilities in inclusive childcare settings
C Kemp, Y Kishida, M Carter, N Sweller
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 28 (1), 134-143, 2013
A systematic literature review of empirical research on postsecondary students with autism spectrum disorder
AH Anderson, J Stephenson, M Carter, S Carlon
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, 1531-1558, 2019
Identifying skills for promoting successful inclusion in kindergarten
C Kemp, M Carter
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 30 (1), 31-44, 2005
Friendship satisfaction in children with autism spectrum disorder and nominated friends
N Petrina, M Carter, J Stephenson, N Sweller
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 384-392, 2017
The use of social stories by teachers and their perceived efficacy
G Reynhout, M Carter
Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 3 (1), 232-251, 2009
A systematic review of the comparative pragmatic differences in conversational skills of individuals with autism
C Ying Sng, M Carter, J Stephenson
Autism & Developmental Language Impairments 3, 2396941518803806, 2018
Spontaneity of communication in individuals with autism
HM Chiang, M Carter
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 38, 693-705, 2008
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Articles 1–20