Soumya Shubhra Nag
Soumya Shubhra Nag
Assistant Professor, IIT Delhi
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Cited by
Current-fed switched inverter
SS Nag, S Mishra
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (9), 4680-4690, 2013
Current-fed switched inverter based hybrid topology for DC nanogrid application
SS Nag, R Adda, O Ray, SK Mishra
IECON 2013-39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2013
A passive filter building block for input or output current ripple cancellation in a power converter
SS Nag, S Mishra, A Joshi
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 4 (2), 564-575, 2015
DC marine power system: Transient behavior and fault management aspects
K Satpathi, A Ukil, SS Nag, J Pou, MA Zagrodnik
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (4), 1911-1925, 2018
A coupled inductor based high boost inverter with sub-unity turns-ratio range
SS Nag, S Mishra
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 31 (11), 7534-7543, 2016
A theory to synthesize nonisolated DC–DC converters using flux balance principle
SS Nag, R Panigrahi, SK Mishra, A Joshi, KDT Ngo, S Mandal
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (11), 10910-10924, 2019
Current-fed DC/DC topology based inverter
SS Nag, S Mishra
2013 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, 2751-2756, 2013
Analysis and Control of an Input-Parallel Output-Series Connected Buck-Boost DC-DC Converter for Electric Vehicle Powertrains
MS Khan, SS Nag, A Das, C Yoon
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification 9 (2), 2015-2025, 2022
A Multi-Input Single-Control (MISC) battery charger for DC nanogrids
A Sankar U, SS Nag, SK Mishra
ECCE Asia Downunder (ECCE Asia), 2013 IEEE, 304-310, 2013
Solar PV based DC power supply for rural homes with analog, multiplier-less MPPT controller
SS Nag, S Mandal, S Mishra
IECON 2017-43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2017
Improving grid power availability in rural telecom exchanges
S Mishra, A Maji, SS Nag
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (1), 636-646, 2017
Analysis and transition techniques for a bidirectional DC–DC converter
A Sharma, SS Nag, G Bhuvaneswari, M Veerachary
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (2 …, 2020
Input current ripple cancellation of current-fed switched inverter
SS Nag, UA Sankar, S Mishra, A Joshi
2014 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 389-394, 2014
An improved mode transition technique for a non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter
A Sharma, SS Nag, G Bhuvaneswari, M Veerachary
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 67 (12), 3093-3097, 2020
Coupled inductor based Current-Fed Switched Inverter for low voltage renewable interface
SS Nag, SK Mishra
2014 International Power Electronics Conference (IPEC-Hiroshima 2014-ECCE …, 2014
An isolated bipolar DC-DC converter for energy storage integration in marine vessels
SS Nag, K Satpathi, A Ukil, J Pou, MA Zagrodnik
IECON 2017-43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2017
A Novel Buck-Boost Type DC-DC Converter Topology for Electric Vehicle Applications
MS Khan, SS Nag, A Das, C Yoon
2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 1534-1539, 2021
Review of factors affecting current sharing and techniques for current balancing in paralleled wide bandgap devices
G Yadav, SS Nag
2020 3rd International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment: Towards …, 2021
Non‐isolated bidirectional DC–DC converters with multi‐converter functionality employing novel start‐up and mode transition techniques
A Sharma, SS Nag, G Bhuvaneswari, M Veerachary
IET Power Electronics 13 (14), 3110-3118, 2020
Comparison of current-only directional protection in AC and DC power systems
K Satpathi, A Ukil, SS Nag, J Pou, MA Zadrodnik
2018 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT Asia), 133-138, 2018
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Articles 1–20