Attila Fülöp
Attila Fülöp
Babeș-Bolyai University and University of Debrecen
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The Effect of Coccidians on the Condition and Immune Profile of Molting House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
PL Pap, CI Vágási, GÁ Czirják, A Titilincu, A Pintea, G Osváth, A Fülöp, ...
The Auk 128 (2), 330-339, 2011
Feather‐degrading bacteria, uropygial gland size and feather quality in House Sparrows Passer domesticus
A Fülöp, GÁ Czirják, PL Pap, CI Vágási
Ibis 158 (2), 362-370, 2016
Bimodal habitat use in brood parasitic Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) revealed by GPS telemetry
C Moskát, M Bán, A Fülöp, J Bereczki, ME Hauber
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 136 (2), uky019, 2019
Oxidative physiology of reproduction in a passerine bird: a field experiment
PL Pap, O Vincze, A Fülöp, O Székely-Béres, L Pătraș, J Pénzes, ...
Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72, 18, 2018
The effects of adult sex ratio and density on parental care in Lethrus apterus (Coleoptera, Geotrupidae)
ME Rosa, Z Barta, A Fülöp, T Székely, A Kosztolányi
Animal Behaviour 132, 181-188, 2017
Host alarm calls attract the unwanted attention of the brood parasitic common cuckoo
A Marton, A Fülöp, K Ozogány, C Moskát, M Bán
Scientific reports 9 (1), 18563, 2019
Phylogenetic and Morphological Analysis of Birch Mice (Genus Sicista, Family Sminthidae, Rodentia) in the Kazak Cradle with Description of a New Species
T Cserkész, A Fülöp, S Almerekova, T Kondor, L Laczkó, G Sramkó
Journal of Mammalian Evolution 26 (1), 147-163, 2019
Autumn migration of soaring birds at Bosporus: validating a new survey station design
A Fülöp, I Kovács, E Baltag, SJ Daróczi, AS Dehelean, LA Dehelean, ...
Bird Study 61 (2), 264-269, 2014
Return migration of Common Cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) between breeding grounds in Hungary and wintering grounds in Africa as documented by non-PTT GPS technology
M Bán, C Moskát, A Fülöp, ME Hauber
Journal of Ornithology 159 (2), 337–344, 2018
Female common cuckoo calls dampen the mobbing intensity of great reed warbler hosts
A Marton, A Fülöp, M Bán, ME Hauber, C Moskát
Ethology, 2021
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Hungary: an overview of recent and historical occurrence
J Vörös, D Herczeg, A Fülöp, TJ Gál, Á Dán, K Harmos, J Bosch
Acta Herpetologica 13 (2), 125-140, 2018
Fine-scale collective movements reveal present, past and future dynamics of a multilevel society in Przewalski’s horses
K Ozogány, V Kerekes, A Fülöp, Z Barta, M Nagy
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5096, 2023
Personality and social foraging tactic use in free-living Eurasian tree sparrows (Passer montanus)
A Fülöp, Z Németh, B Kocsis, B Deák-Molnár, T Bozsoky, Z Barta
Behavioral Ecology 30 (4), 894-903, 2019
Are both notes of the common cuckoo’s call necessary for familiarity recognition?
C Moskát, ME Hauber, M Bán, A Fülöp, N Geltsch, A Marton, Z Elek
Behavioural processes 157, 685-690, 2018
Autumn passage of soaring birds over Dobrogea (Romania): a migration corridor in Southeast Europe
A Fülöp, SJ Daróczi, AS Dehelean, LA Dehelean, Z Domahidi, A Dósa, ...
Ardea 106 (1), 61-77, 2018
State and physiology behind personality in arthropods: a review
Z Rádai, J Kiss, NA Nagy, AÁ Somogyi, A Fülöp, Z Tóth, MA Babits, ...
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76 (11), 150, 2022
Selection on multiple sexual signals in two Central and Eastern European populations of the barn swallow
PL Pap, A Fülöp, M Adamkova, J Cepak, R Michalkova, RJ Safran, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (19), 11277-11287, 2019
Cohabitation with farm animals rather than breeding effort increases the infection with feather‐associated bacteria in the barn swallow Hirundo rustica
A Fülöp, CI Vágási, PL Pap
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (7), 1005–1014, 2017
Oxidative physiology is weakly associated with pigmentation in birds
A Marton, CI Vágási, O Vincze, V Bókony, PL Pap, L Pătraș, J Pénzes, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (8), e9177, 2022
Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoos
J Merondun, CI Marques, P Andrade, S Meshcheryagina, I Galván, ...
Science Advances 10 (17), eadl5255, 2024
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Articles 1–20