Louise C Young
Louise C Young
Professor of Marketing, University of Western Sydney; Visiting Professor, Department of Relationship
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On cooperating: firms, relations and networks
I Wilkinson, L Young
Journal of business research 55 (2), 123-132, 2002
The role of trust and co-operation in marketing channels: a preliminary study
LC Young, IF Wilkinson
European journal of marketing 23 (2), 109-122, 1989
Business dancing—the nature and role of interfirm relations in business strategy
IF Wilkinson, LC Young
Asia-Australia Marketing Journal 2 (1), 67-79, 1994
Learning to improvise, improvising to learn: a process of responding to complex environments
C Chelariu, WJ Johnston, L Young
Journal of Business research 55 (2), 141-147, 2002
A concept of commitment: alternative views of relational continuityin business service relationships
L Young, S Denize
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 10 (5), 22-37, 1995
The commitment mix: Dimensions of commitment in international trading relationships in India
N Sharma, L Young, I Wilkinson
Journal of International Marketing 14 (3), 64-91, 2006
Customer management and CRM: addressing the dark side
P Frow, A Payne, IF Wilkinson, L Young
Journal of Services Marketing 25 (2), 79-89, 2011
Trust: looking forward and back
L Young
Journal of business & industrial marketing 21 (7), 439-445, 2006
The importance of networks in export promotion: policy issues
DE Welch, LS Welch, LC Young, IF Wilkinson
Journal of International Marketing 6 (4), 66-82, 1998
Affectual trust in the workplace
L Young, K Daniel
International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (1), 139-155, 2003
Business mating: Who chooses and who gets chosen?
I Wilkinson, L Young, PV Freytag
Industrial Marketing Management 34 (7), 669-680, 2005
A sensemaking approach to trade‐offs and synergies between human and ecological elements of corporate sustainability
T Angus‐Leppan, S Benn, L Young
Business Strategy and the Environment 19 (4), 230-244, 2010
The space between: towards a typology of interfirm relations
LC Young, IF Wilkinson
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 4 (2), 53-97, 1998
Concerning trust and information
S Denize, L Young
Industrial Marketing Management 36 (7), 968-982, 2007
Retaining the visitor, enhancing the experience: identifying attributes of choice in repeat museum visitation
C Burton, J Louviere, L Young
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing 14 (1), 21-34, 2009
Measurement of trust in salesperson–customer relationships in direct selling
L Young, G Albaum
Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 23 (3), 253-269, 2003
Co-innovation in networks of resources—A case study in the Chinese exhibition industry
BK Dawson, L Young, C Tu, F Chongyi
Industrial Marketing Management 43 (3), 496-503, 2014
Toward a normative theory of normative marketing theory
IF Wilkinson, LC Young
Marketing Theory 5 (4), 363-396, 2005
The nature and role of different types of commitment in inter-firm relationship cooperation
N Sharma, LC Young, I Wilkinson
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 30 (1), 45-59, 2015
The impact of individual versus group rewards on work group performance and cooperation: A computational social science approach
D Ladley, I Wilkinson, L Young
Journal of Business Research 68 (11), 2412-2425, 2015
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Articles 1–20