Ashir Ahmed
Cited by
Cited by
Depression detection from social network data using machine learning techniques
MR Islam, MA Kabir, A Ahmed, ARM Kamal, H Wang, A Ulhaq
Health information science and systems 6, 1-12, 2018
Identifying business value from the use of social media: an SME perspective
R Stockdale, A Ahmed, H Scheepers
Use of social media in disaster management
A Ahmed
Comparative studies on reproductive performance of Nubian and Saanen bucks under the climatic conditions of Khartoum.
AG Kamal, A Ahmed, OB Amel, A Babiker
Scheepers.(2012). Identifying Business Value from The Use of Social Media: An SME Perspective
A Stockdale, A Ahmed
Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems. Association for Inforamtion …, 0
The role of social media during Queensland floods: An empirical investigation on the existence of multiple communities of practice (MCoPs)
A Ahmed, S Sinnappan
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 5 (2), 2, 2013
Social media research: a review of academic research and future research directions
A Ahmed, H Scheepers, R Stockdale
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 6 (1), 3, 2014
Analysis of post-crisis Twitter communication: a study of the Iquique, Chile earthquake
A Ahmed, J Sargent
ACIS, 2014
Business value of Facebook: A multiple case study from a developing country
A Ahmed, M Ibrahim
Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 8 (4), 4, 2016
Architecture and communication protocols for cognitive radio network enabled hospital
I Al Mamoon, AKM Muzahidul-Islam, S Baharun, S Komaki, A Ahmed
2015 9th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication …, 2015
What Is IT for social impact?: A review of literature and practices
J Sargent, A Ahmed
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 36 (4), 62-72, 2017
Role of GIS, RFID and handheld computers in emergency management: an exploratory case study analysis
A Ahmed
JISTEM-Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 12 (1), 3-27, 2015
Mapping right-wing extremism in Victoria: Applying a gender lens to develop prevention and deradicalisation approaches
C Agius, K Cook, L Nicholas, A Ahmed, H bin Jehangir, N Safa, ...
Swinburne, 2020
Potential of RFID in emergency management: Task-technology fit perspective
A Ahmed, L Sugianto
2012 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4737-4745, 2012
Hypothesizing the aptness of social media and the information richness requirements of disaster management
A Ahmed
RFID in emergency management
A Ahmed, LF Sugianto
Auto-Identification and Ubiquitous Computing Applications, 137-155, 2009
A Deep Learning Based Sentiment Analytic Model for the Prediction of Traffic Accidents
N Malik, S Altaf, MU Tariq, A Ahmed, M Babar
CMC-COMPUTERS MATERIALS & CONTINUA 77 (2), 1599-1615, 2023
The Role of Business Analytics for Competitive Advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises
SE Dereli, A Korthaus, H Scheepers, A Ahmed
Process mining: Algorithm for S-Coverable workflow nets
J She, D Yang
2009 Second International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining …, 2009
Visualization of healthcare data for busy doctors in developing countries to make efficient clinical decisions
F Hossain, A Ahmed
10th Social Business Academia Conference, 2021
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Articles 1–20