Lisa-Angelique Lim
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Cited by
What changes, and for whom? A study of the impact of learning analytics-based process feedback in a large course
LA Lim, S Gentili, A Pardo, V Kovanović, A Whitelock-Wainwright, ...
Learning and Instruction 72, 101202, 2021
A comparison of students’ reflective thinking across different years in a problem-based learning environment
LA Yuen Lie Lim
Instructional Science 39 (2), 171-188, 2011
Video and learning: a systematic review (2007--2017)
O Poquet, L Lim, N Mirriahi, S Dawson
Proceedings of the 8th international conference on learning analytics and …, 2018
Students’ perceptions of, and emotional responses to, personalised learning analytics-based feedback: An exploratory study of four courses
LA Lim, S Dawson, D Gašević, S Joksimović, A Pardo, A Fudge, S Gentili
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 46 (3), 339-359, 2021
Analytics of time management and learning strategies for effective online learning in blended environments
NA Uzir, D Gašević, J Jovanović, W Matcha, LA Lim, A Fudge
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on learning analytics …, 2020
Exploring students' sensemaking of learning analytics dashboards: Does frame of reference make a difference?
L Lim, S Dawson, S Joksimovic, D Gašević
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on learning analytics …, 2019
Analytics of Learning Strategies: Role of Course Design and Delivery Modality Authors
W Matcha, D Gasevic, J Jovanovic, A Pardo, L Lim, ...
Journal of Learning Analytics 7 (2), 45-71, 2020
Students’ sense-making of personalised feedback based on learning analytics
LA Lim, S Dawson, D Gašević, S Joksimović, A Fudge, A Pardo, S Gentili
Australasian Journal of Educational Technology 36 (6), 15-33, 2020
Impact of learning analytics feedback on self-regulated learning: Triangulating behavioural logs with students’ recall
LA Lim, D Gasevic, W Matcha, NA Ahmad Uzir, S Dawson
LAK21: 11th international learning analytics and knowledge conference, 364-374, 2021
Discovering time management strategies in learning processes using process mining techniques
N Ahmad Uzir, D Gašević, W Matcha, J Jovanović, A Pardo, LA Lim, ...
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, 555-569, 2019
Two sides of the same coin: video annotations and in-video questions for active learning
N Mirriahi, J Jovanović, LA Lim, JM Lodge
Educational Technology Research and Development 69 (5), 2571-2588, 2021
A comparative analysis of the skilled use of automated feedback tools through the lens of teacher feedback literacy
S Buckingham Shum, LA Lim, D Boud, M Bearman, P Dawson
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 20 (1), 40, 2023
Preparing staff for problem-based learning: outcomes of a comprehensive faculty development program
LA Lim, LF Choy
Int J Res Stud Educ 3 (4), 53-68, 2014
How can email interventions increase students’ completion of online homework? a case study using a/b comparisons
A Zavaleta Bernuy, Z Han, H Shaikh, QY Zheng, LA Lim, A Rafferty, ...
LAK22: 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 107-118, 2022
Learner-centred analytics of feedback content in higher education
J Lin, W Dai, LA Lim, YS Tsai, RF Mello, H Khosravi, D Gasevic, G Chen
LAK23: 13th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 100-110, 2023
" I'm not a number, I'm someone to them": Supporting commencing university students' through technology-mediated personalised communication
S Lewis, G Heath, L Lim, R Roberts
Student Success 12 (1), 24-34, 2021
Charting design needs and strategic approaches for academic analytics systems through co-design
YS Tsai, S Singh, M Rakovic, LA Lim, A Roychoudhury, D Gasevic
LAK22: 12th International Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, 381-391, 2022
Does academic performance affect the challenges faced by students in their initial adaptation to a problem-based learning environment
LA Lim, M Lew
Reflections on Problem-based Learning 13 (1), 4-9, 2012
‘Made good connections’: Amplifying teacher presence and belonging at scale through learning design and personalised feedback
LA Lim, A Atif, I Farmer
ASCILITE Publications, e22055-e22055, 2022
Learning Analytics in the Corporate Sector: What Business Leaders Say?
O Poquet, LA Lim, M de Laat
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 15 (5), 605-619, 2022
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Articles 1–20