Zarina Yahya
Zarina Yahya
Senior Lecturer at Universiti Malaysia Perlis
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Cited by
Fly ash-based geopolymer lightweight concrete using foaming agent
MM Al Bakri Abdullah, K Hussin, M Bnhussain, KN Ismail, Z Yahya, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (6), 7186-7198, 2012
The effect of curing temperature on physical and chemical properties of geopolymers
AMM Al Bakria, H Kamarudin, M BinHussain, IK Nizar, Y Zarina, ...
Physics Procedia 22, 286-291, 2011
Effect of Na^ sub 2^ SiO^ sub 3^/NaOH Ratios and NaOH Molarities on Compressive Strength of Fly-Ash-Based Geopolymer
AMM Al Bakri, H Kamarudin, M Bnhussain, AR Rafiza, Y Zarina
ACI Materials Journal 109 (5), 503, 2012
Review on fly ash-based geopolymer concrete without Portland Cement
MM Al Bakri, H Mohammed, H Kamarudin, IK Niza, Y Zarina
Journal of engineering and technology research 3 (1), 1-4, 2011
The processing, characterization, and properties of fly ash based geopolymer concrete
AM Al Bakri, H Kamarudin, M Bnhussain, IK Nizar, AR Rafiza, Y Zarina
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 30 (1), 90-97, 2012
The Relationship of NaOH Molarity, Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio, Fly Ash/Alkaline Activator Ratio, and Curing Temperature to the Strength of Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer
MMAB Abdullah, H Kamarudin, M Bnhussain, KN Ismail, AR Rafiza, ...
Advanced Materials Research 328, 1475-1482, 2011
Effect of Solids-To-Liquids, Na2SiO3-To-NaOH and Curing Temperature on the Palm Oil Boiler Ash (Si + Ca) Geopolymerisation System
Z Yahya, MMAB Abdullah, K Hussin, KN Ismail, R Abd Razak, AV Sandu
Materials 8 (5), 2227-2242, 2015
Review on the various ash from palm oil waste as geopolymer material
Y Zarina, AMM Al Bakri, H Kamarudin, IK Nizar, AR Rafiza
Rev. Adv. Mater. Sci 34 (1), 37-43, 2013
Comparison of geopolymer fly ash and ordinary portland cement to the strength of concrete
AM Bakri, H Kamarudin, M Binhussain, IK Nizar, AR Rafiza, Y Zarina
Advanced Science Letters 19 (12), 3592-3595, 2013
Correlation between Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio and Fly Ash/Alkaline Activator Ratio to the Strength of Geopolymer
MM Al Bakri Abdullah, H Kamarudin, KN Ismail, M Bnhussain, Y Zarina, ...
Advanced materials research 341, 189-193, 2012
Geopolymer as underwater concreting material: A review
FHA Zaidi, R Ahmad, MMAB Abdullah, SZ Abd Rahim, Z Yahya, LY Li, ...
Construction and Building Materials 291, 123276, 2021
Fly ash based lightweight geopolymer concrete using foaming agent technology
MMAB Abdullah, MFM Tahir, K Hussin, M Binhussain, IG Sandu, Z Yahya, ...
Revista de Chimie 66 (7), 1001-1003, 2015
Chemical and physical characterization of boiler ash from palm oil industry waste for geopolymer composite
Z Yahya, M Abdullah, K Hussin, KN Ismail, AV Sandu, P Vizureanu, ...
Revista de chimie 64 (12), 1408-1412, 2013
The effects of various concentrations of NaOH on the inter-particle gelation of a fly ash geopolymer aggregate
A Abdullah, K Hussin, MMAB Abdullah, Z Yahya, W Sochacki, RA Razak, ...
Materials 14 (5), 1111, 2021
Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer
R Abdul Razak, MMAB Abdullah, K Hussin, KN Ismail, D Hardjito, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 16 (5), 11629-11647, 2015
Investigation of HDPE plastic waste aggregate on the properties of concrete
AMM Al Bakri, SM Tamizi, AR Rafiza, Y Zarina
J. Asian Sci. Res 1 (7), 340-345, 2011
Design, processing and characterization of fly ash-based geopolymers for lightweight concrete application
AMM Al Bakri, H Kamarudin, IK Nizar, AV Sandu, M Binhussain, Y Zarina, ...
Revista de Chimie (Bucharest) 64 (4), 382-387, 2013
Influence of Kaolin in fly ash based geopolymer concrete: destructive and non-destructive testing
Z Yahya, M Abdullah, N Mohd Ramli, DD Burduhos-Nergis, R Abd Razak
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 374, 012068, 2018
A review on the manufacturing of lightweight aggregates using industrial by-product
AM Nor, Z Yahya, MMAB Abdullah, RA Razak, JJ Ekaputri, MA Faris, ...
MATEC Web of Conferences 78, 01067, 2016
Review on Processing of low calcium fly ash geopolymer concrete
AM Al Bakri, OA Abdulkareem, A Rafiza, Y Zarina, M Norazian, ...
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 7 (5), 342-349, 2013
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Articles 1–20