Martin Shanahan
Cited by
Cited by
Students' Conceptions of Research. I: A qualitative and quantitative analysis
JHF Meyer, MP Shanahan, RC Laugksch
Scandinavian journal of educational research 49 (3), 225-244, 2005
Price elasticity of water allocations demand in the Goulburn–Murray Irrigation District
S Wheeler, H Bjornlund, M Shanahan, A Zuo
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 52 (1), 37-55, 2008
The troublesome nature of a threshold concept in economics
M Shanahan, JHF Meyer
Overcoming barriers to student understanding, 100-114, 2006
Who trades water allocations? Evidence of the characteristics of early adopters in the Goulburn–Murray Irrigation District, Australia 1998–1999
S Wheeler, H Bjornlund, M Shanahan, A Zuo
Agricultural economics 40 (6), 631-643, 2009
The changing profile of water traders in the Goulburn-Murray Irrigation District, Australia
S Wheeler, H Bjornlund, A Zuo, M Shanahan
Agricultural Water Management 97 (9), 1333-1343, 2010
The role of water markets in climate change adaptation
A Loch, H Bjornlund, S Beecham
National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, 2013
Students' conceptions of research. 2: An exploration of contrasting patterns of variation
JHF Meyer, MP Shanahan, RC Laugksch
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 51 (4), 415-433, 2007
Operationalising a threshold concept in economics: A pilot study using multiple choice questions on opportunity cost
MP Shanahan, G Foster, JHF Meyer
International Review of Economics Education 5 (2), 29-57, 2006
Dissonant forms of'memorising'and'repetition'
JHF Meyer, MP Shanahan
Studies in Higher Education 28 (1), 5-20, 2003
Regulating competition: Cartel registers in the twentieth-century world
S Fellman, M Shanahan
Routledge, 2015
A triangulated approach to the modelling of learning outcomes in first year economics
JHF Meyer, MP Shanahan
Higher Education Research & Development 20 (2), 127-145, 2001
A student learning inventory for economics based on the students' experience of learning: A preliminary study
MP Shanahan, JHF Meyer
The Journal of Economic Education 32 (3), 259-267, 2001
The Economics of Implementing Intensive In-prison Sex-offender Treatment Programs.
R Donato, M Shanahan
Trends & Issues in Crime & Criminal Justice, 1999
On variation in conceptions ofprice'in economics
JHF Meyer, MP Shanahan
Higher Education 43, 203-225, 2002
Counting the cost:: Estimating the economic benefit of pedophile treatment programs☆
M Shanahan, R Donato
Child abuse & neglect 25 (4), 541-555, 2001
Measuring Inequality Trends In Colonial Australia Using Factor–Price Ratios: The Importance Of Boundaries
MP Shanahan, JK Wilson
Australian Economic History Review 47 (1), 6-21, 2007
Measuring and responding to variation in aspects of students’ economic conceptions and learning engagement in economics
MP Shanahan, JHF Meyer
International Review of Economics Education 1 (1), 9-35, 2003
Threshold concepts in economics
M Shanahan
Education+ Training 58 (5), 510-520, 2016
The economics degree in Australia: down but not out?
DK Round, MP Shanahan
The Journal of Economic Education 41 (4), 425-435, 2010
Making teaching responsive to variation in student learning
JHF Meyer
Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development, 2001
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Articles 1–20