Kaleel Rahman, PhD
Kaleel Rahman, PhD
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The role of embeddedness for resource integration: Complementing SD logic research through a social capital perspective
G Laud, IO Karpen, R Mulye, K Rahman
Marketing Theory 15 (4), 509-543, 2015
Determinants of negative customer engagement behaviours
DKX Do, K Rahman, LJ Robinson
Journal of Services Marketing 34 (2), 117-135, 2020
“Wow! It's cool”: the meaning of coolness in marketing
K Rahman
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 31 (6), 620-638, 2013
Who is the attached endorser? An examination of the attachment-endorsement spectrum
N Saldanha, R Mulye, K Rahman
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 43, 242-250, 2018
Cancel culture and the consumer: A strategic marketing perspective
N Saldanha, R Mulye, K Rahman
Journal of strategic marketing 31 (5), 1071-1086, 2023
A strategic view of celebrity endorsements through the attachment lens
N Saldanha, R Mulye, K Rahman
Journal of Strategic Marketing 28 (5), 434-454, 2020
Customer-to-customer interactions and word of mouth: conceptual extensions and empirical investigations
K Rahman, IO Karpen, M Reid, U Yuksel
Journal of strategic Marketing 23 (4), 287-304, 2015
Learning from your business lectures: using stepwise regression to understand course evaluation data
K Rahman
Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge 19 (2), 272-279, 2006
Generic, genuine, or completely new? Branding strategies to leverage new products
K Rahman, CS Areni
Journal of Strategic Marketing 22 (1), 3-15, 2014
Can sentiment toward advertising explain materialism and vanity in the globalization era? Evidence from Dubai
T Mady, H Cherrier, D Lee, K Rahman
Journal of Global Marketing 24 (5), 453-472, 2011
The globalization of Arab world: impacts on consumers’ level of materialism and vanity
H Cherrier, K Rahman, T Mady, D Lee
World Journal of Management 1 (1), 82-94, 2009
Consumer motivations to create alternative consumption platforms
N Bajaj, M Steel, S Ogden, K Rahman
Australasian Marketing Journal 28 (3), 50-57, 2020
The benefits of quantifying qualitative brand data: a mixed-method approach for converting free brand associations to a brand equity index
K Rahman, CS Areni
International Journal of Market Research 58 (3), 421-450, 2016
Marketing strategies for services: is brand architecture a viable way forward?
K Rahman, CS Areni
Journal of Strategic Marketing 22 (4), 328-346, 2014
Galloping through the global brandscape: Consumers in a branded reality
K Rahman, H Cherrier
Advances in Consumer Research 37 (1), 14-20, 2010
Correlates of cool identity: humor, need for uniqueness, materialism, status concern and brand consciousness
K Rahman, H Cherrier
Advances in consumer research 37 (1), 886-888, 2010
How brand visual aesthetics foster a transnational imagined community
M Buschgens, B Figueiredo, K Rahman
European Journal of Marketing 53 (11), 2268-2292, 2019
Negative customer engagement in emerging markets: cognitive dimension
DKX Do, K Rahman, LJ Robinson, J Bowden
Journal of Strategic Marketing 31 (2), 370-402, 2023
How brand owners construct imagined worlds with brand visual aesthetics
M Buschgens, B Figueiredo, K Rahman
Journal of Brand Management 27, 266-283, 2020
Is the company the only meaningful brand for services?
KAM Rahman, CS Areni, P McDonald
Journal of Brand Management 17, 197-206, 2009
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