Kathleen M. Marsaglia
Kathleen M. Marsaglia
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Compositional trends in arc-related, deep-marine sand and sandstone: a reassessment of magmatic-arc provenance
KM Marsaglia, RV Ingersoll
Geological Society of America Bulletin 104 (12), 1637-1649, 1992
The paleogeography of Paleozoic and Mesozoic storm depositional systems
KM Marsaglia, GDV Klein
The Journal of Geology 91 (2), 117-142, 1983
A record of spontaneous subduction initiation in the Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc
RJ Arculus, O Ishizuka, KA Bogus, M Gurnis, R Hickey-Vargas, ...
Nature Geoscience 8 (9), 728-733, 2015
Late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the southern California margin inferred from provenance of trench and forearc sediments
CE Jacobson, M Grove, JN Pedrick, AP Barth, KM Marsaglia, GE Gehrels, ...
Bulletin 123 (3-4), 485-506, 2011
Interarc and backarc basins
KM Marsaglia
Tectonics of sedimentary basins, 299-329, 1995
SEM petrography of eastern Mediterranean sapropels: Analogue data for assessing organic matter in oil and gas shales
KL Milliken, LT Ko, M Pommer, KM Marsaglia
Journal of Sedimentary Research 84 (11), 961-974, 2014
Explosive deep water basalt in the Sumisu backarc rift
J Gill, P Torssander, H Lapierre, R Taylor, K Kaiho, M Koyama, ...
Science 248 (4960), 1214-1217, 1990
Tectonics of sedimentary basins: Recent advances
C Busby, AA Pérez
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
The recycled orogenic sand provenance from an uplifted thrust belt, Betic Cordillera, southern Spain
S Critelli, J Arribas, E Le Pera, A Tortosa, KM Marsaglia, KK Latter
Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (1), 72-81, 2003
Tectonic history of a Jurassic backarc-basin sequence (the Gran Cañon Formation, Cedros Island, Mexico), based on compositional modes of tuffaceous deposits
S Critelli, KM Marsaglia, CJ Busby
Geological Society of America Bulletin 114 (5), 515-527, 2002
Diagenetic trends in Leg 126 sandstones
KM Marsaglia, K Tazaki
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 126, 125-138, 1992
Hummocky cross-stratification, tropical hurricanes, and intense winter storms.
WL Duke
Sedimentology 34 (2), 1987
The Early Paleozoic history of the Cuyania (greater Precordillera) terrane of western Argentina: evidence from geochronology of detrital zircons from Middle Cambrian sandstones
S Finney, S Peralta, G Gehrels, K Marsaglia
Geologica Acta: an international earth science journal 3 (4), 339-354, 2005
Chile Triple Junction
JH Behrmann, SD Lewis, R Musgrave, N Bangs, P Boden, K Brown, ...
Proceedings ODP Initial Reports (Pt A) 141, 1-708, 1992
The arc arises: The links between volcanic output, arc evolution and melt composition
PA Brandl, M Hamada, RJ Arculus, K Johnson, KM Marsaglia, IP Savov, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 461, 73-84, 2017
A source-to-sink perspective of the Waipaoa River margin
SA Kuehl, CR Alexander, NE Blair, CK Harris, KM Marsaglia, AS Ogston, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 153, 301-334, 2016
Basaltic island sand provenance
KM Marsaglia
Petrography of volcaniclastic rocks in intra-arc volcano-bounded to fault-bounded basins of the Rosario segment of the Lower Cretaceous Alisitos oceanic arc, Baja California …
KM Marsaglia, M Barone, S Critelli, C Busby, B Fackler-Adams
Sedimentary Geology 336, 138-146, 2016
Tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands as reflected in modal compositions of Cenozoic forearc and backarc sand and sandstone
KM Marsaglia, RV Ingersoll, BM Packer
Tectonics 11 (5), 1028-1044, 1992
Petrography and provenance of volcaniclastic sands recovered from the Izu-Bonin Arc, Leg 126
KM Marsaglia, B Taylor, K Fujioka
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 126, 139-154, 1992
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Articles 1–20