Choiru Za'in
Cited by
Cited by
Automatic construction of multi-layer perceptron network from streaming examples
M Pratama, C Za'in, A Ashfahani, YS Ong, W Ding
Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2019
Evolving type-2 web news mining
C Za’in, M Pratama, E Lughofer, SG Anavatti
Applied Soft Computing 54, 200-220, 2017
Dental-yolo: Alveolar bone and mandibular canal detection on cone beam computed tomography images for dental implant planning
M Widiasri, AZ Arifin, N Suciati, C Fatichah, ER Astuti, R Indraswari, ...
IEEE Access 10, 101483-101494, 2022
Scalable teacher forcing network for semi-supervised large scale data streams
M Pratama, C Za’in, E Lughofer, E Pardede, DAP Rahayu
Information Sciences 576, 407-431, 2021
Evolving large-scale data stream analytics based on scalable PANFIS
C Za’in, M Pratama, E Pardede
Knowledge-Based Systems 166, 186-197, 2019
Autonomous cross domain adaptation under extreme label scarcity
W Weng, M Pratama, C Za’in, M De Carvalho, R Appan, A Ashfahani, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (10), 6839-6850, 2022
Motor fault detection and diagnosis based on a meta-cognitive random vector functional link network
C Za’in, M Pratama, M Prasad, D Puthal, CP Lim, M Seera
Fault Diagnosis of Hybrid Dynamic and Complex Systems, 15-44, 2018
Big data analytics based on panfis mapreduce
C Za’in, M Pratama, E Lughofer, M Ferdaus, Q Cai, M Prasad
Procedia Computer Science 144, 140-152, 2018
Yaru3DFPN: a lightweight modified 3D UNet with feature pyramid network and combine thresholding for brain tumor segmentation
AS Akbar, C Fatichah, N Suciati, C Za’in
Neural Computing and Applications 36 (13), 7529-7544, 2024
Big data analytic based on scalable panfis for rfid localization
C Za'In, M Pratama, A Ashfahani, E Pardede, H Sheng
2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2018
Scalable teacher-forcing networks under spark environments for large-scale streaming problems
C Za’in, A Ashfahani, M Pratama, E Lughofer, E Pardede
2020 IEEE Conference on Evolving and Adaptive Intelligent Systems (EAIS), 1-8, 2020
Penerapan Rekayasa Ulang Iteratif Pada Sistem Informasi Akademik Ftif Its Surabaya
S Rochimah, C Zain, DH Murti
JUTI J. Ilm. Teknol. Inf 5 (1), 19, 2006
GA-Sense: Sensor placement strategy for detecting leaks in water distribution networks based on time series flow and genetic algorithm
AM Shiddiqi, C Za'in, A Lathifah, T Ahmad, D Purwitasari
MethodsX 12, 102612, 2024
Eigenspace-based Fuzzy C-Means with Large Language Model BERT for Topic Detection
H Murfi, YJ Agung, S Nurrohmah, Y Satria, C Za’in, D Rahayu
An Enhanced Sensor Placement Strategy to Quantify Small Leaks in Water Distribution Networks using Weighted Lean Graphs
AM Shiddiqi, W Wibisono, C Zhain
2019 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its …, 2019
Priority-based routing protocol for data gathering process in a wireless sensor network environment
Y Romadhona, W Wibisono, AM Shiddiqi, C Za'In, DAP Rahayu
AIP Conference Proceedings 2536 (1), 2023
Incremental Learning for Large-Scale Data Stream Analytics in a Complex Environment
C Za'in
La Trobe, 2020
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Articles 1–17