Lisa H Amir
Lisa H Amir
Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe Univesity
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A systematic review of maternal obesity and breastfeeding intention, initiation and duration
LH Amir, S Donath
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 7, 1-14, 2007
Relationship between prenatal infant feeding intention and initiation and duration of breastfeeding: a cohort study
SM Donath, LH Amir, ALSPAC Study Team
Acta paediatrica 92 (3), 352-356, 2003
ABM clinical protocol# 4: Mastitis, revised March 2014
LH Amir, Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine Protocol Committee
Breastfeeding Medicine 9 (5), 239-243, 2014
Socioeconomic status and rates of breastfeeding in Australia: evidence from three recent national health surveys
LH Amir, SM Donath
Medical Journal of Australia 189 (5), 254-256, 2008
Psychosocial correlates of exclusive breastfeeding: a systematic review
E De Jager, H Skouteris, J Broadbent, L Amir, K Mellor
Midwifery 29 (5), 506-518, 2013
Reliability of the hazelbaker assessment tool for lingual frenulum function
LH Amir, JP James, SM Donath
International breastfeeding journal 1, 1-6, 2006
Does maternal obesity adversely affect breastfeeding initiation and duration?
SM Donath, LH Amir
Journal of paediatrics and child health 36 (5), 482-486, 2000
Rates of breastfeeding in Australia by State and socio‐economic status: Evidence from the 1995 National Health Survey
S Donath, LH Amir
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health 36 (2), 164-168, 2000
Does maternal smoking have a negative physiological effect on breastfeeding? The epidemiological evidence
LH Amir, SM Donath
Birth 29 (2), 112-123, 2002
Incidence of breast abscess in lactating women: report from an Australian cohort
LH Amir, D Forster, H McLachlan, J Lumley
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 111 (12), 1378-1381, 2004
A descriptive study of mastitis in Australian breastfeeding women: incidence and determinants
LH Amir, DA Forster, J Lumley, H McLachlan
BMC Public Health 7, 1-10, 2007
Nipple pain, damage, and vasospasm in the first 8 weeks postpartum
ML Buck, LH Amir, M Cullinane, SM Donath, CASTLE Study Team
Breastfeeding Medicine 9 (2), 56-62, 2014
The relationship between maternal smoking and breastfeeding duration after adjustment for maternal infant feeding intention
SM Donath, LH Amir, ALSPAC Study Team
Acta Paediatrica 93 (11), 1514-1518, 2004
Maternal employment and breastfeeding: results from the longitudinal study of Australian children
AR Cooklin, SM Donath, LH Amir
Acta Paediatrica 97 (5), 620-623, 2008
Maternal obesity and initiation and duration of breastfeeding: data from the longitudinal study of Australian children
SM Donath, LH Amir
Maternal & Child Nutrition 4 (3), 163-170, 2008
Worldwide prevalence of mother-infant skin-to-skin contact after vaginal birth: a systematic review
N Abdulghani, K Edvardsson, LH Amir
PloS one 13 (10), e0205696, 2018
Physical health, breastfeeding problems and maternal mood in the early postpartum: a prospective cohort study
AR Cooklin, LH Amir, CD Nguyen, ML Buck, M Cullinane, JRW Fisher, ...
Archives of women's mental health 21, 365-374, 2018
The CROWN Initiative: journal editors invite researchers to develop core outcomes in women's health
K Khan
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 34 (7), 553-554, 2014
Prevalence and outcomes of breast milk expressing in women with healthy term infants: a systematic review
HM Johns, DA Forster, LH Amir, HL McLachlan
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 13, 1-20, 2013
Breastfeeding women’s experience of expressing: a descriptive study
SN Clemons, LH Amir
Journal of Human Lactation 26 (3), 258-265, 2010
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Articles 1–20