Briony Mamo (PhD BABSc)
Briony Mamo (PhD BABSc)
Research fellow at the School of Natural Sciences at Macquarie University
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Cited by
Tsunami sediments and their foraminiferal assemblages
B Mamo, L Strotz, D Dominey-Howes
Earth-Science Reviews 96 (4), 263-278, 2009
Coral reef diversity losses in China’s Greater Bay Area were driven by regional stressors
JD Cybulski, SM Husa, NN Duprey, BL Mamo, TPN Tsang, M Yasuhara, ...
Science advances 6 (40), eabb1046, 2020
Unexpected biotic resilience on the Japanese seafloor caused by the 2011 Tōhoku-Oki tsunami
T Toyofuku, P Duros, C Fontanier, B Mamo, S Bichon, R Buscail, ...
Scientific Reports 4 (1), 7517, 2014
Site U1460
SJ Gallagher, CS Fulthorpe, K Bogus, G Auer, S Baranwal, IS Castañeda, ...
Proceedings of the international ocean discovery program, 2017
Expedition 356 summary
SJ Gallagher, CS Fulthorpe, K Bogus, G Auer, S Baranwal, IS Castañeda, ...
Proceedings of the international ocean discovery program, 2017
The enigma of rare Quaternary oolites in the Indian and Pacific Oceans: A result of global oceanographic physicochemical conditions or a sampling bias?
SJ Gallagher, L Reuning, T Himmler, J Henderiks, D De Vleeschouwer, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 200, 114-122, 2018
North Atlantic Gateway: Test bed of deep‐sea macroecological patterns
AB Jöst, M Yasuhara, CL Wei, H Okahashi, A Ostmann, P Martínez Arbizu, ...
Journal of Biogeography 46 (9), 2056-2066, 2019
Baseline for ostracod-based northwestern Pacific and Indo-Pacific shallow-marine paleoenvironmental reconstructions: ecological modeling of species distributions
Y Hong, M Yasuhara, H Iwatani, B Mamo
Biogeosciences 16 (2), 585-604, 2019
Hotspots of Cenozoic tropical marine biodiversity
M Yasuhara, HHM Huang, M Reuter, SY Tian, JD Cybulski, A O’dea, ...
Oceanography and Marine Biology, 243-300, 2022
Intensified organic carbon burial on the Australian shelf after the Middle Pleistocene transition
G Auer, B Petrick, T Yoshimura, BL Mamo, L Reuning, H Takayanagi, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 262, 106965, 2021
Deglacial–Holocene Svalbard paleoceanography and evidence of meltwater pulse 1B
SY Tian, M Yasuhara, Y Hong, HHM Huang, H Iwatani, WTR Chiu, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 233, 106237, 2020
Are deep-sea ecosystems surrounding Madagascar threatened by land-use or climate change?
C Fontanier, B Mamo, S Toucanne, G Bayon, S Schmidt, B Deflandre, ...
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 131, 93-100, 2018
Expedition 356 methods
SJ Gallagher, CS Fulthorpe, K Bogus, G Auer, S Baranwal, IS Castañeda, ...
Proceedings of the international ocean discovery program, 2017
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera in an area around the Cassidaigne Canyon (NW Mediterranean) affected by bauxite discharges
C Fontanier, L Biscara, B Mamo, E Delord
Marine Biodiversity 45, 371-382, 2015
Deep-sea ostracod faunal dynamics in a marginal sea: biotic response to oxygen variability and mid-Pleistocene global changes
HHM Huang, M Yasuhara, H Iwatani, T Yamaguchi, K Yamada, B Mamo
Paleobiology 45 (1), 85-97, 2019
Living (stained) deep-sea foraminifera from the Sea of Marmara: A preliminary study
C Fontanier, D Dissard, L Ruffine, B Mamo, E Ponzevera, E Pelleter, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 153, 61-78, 2018
Freshwater reservoir construction by damming a marine inlet in Hong Kong: Paleoecological evidence of local community change
Y Hong, M Yasuhara, H Iwatani, K Seto, Y Yokoyama, K Yoshioka, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 132, 53-59, 2017
On the Possible Origins of an Unusual (Mid to Late Holocene) Coastal Deposit, Old Punt Bay, South‐East Australia
AD Switzer, BL Mamo, D Dominey‐Howes, LC Strotz, C Courtney, ...
Geographical Research 49 (4), 408-430, 2011
Expedition 356 Preliminary Report: Indonesian Throughflow
S Gallagher, C Fulthorpe, L Bogus, G Auer, S Baranwal, I Castaneda, ...
International Ocean Discovery Program., 2017
Effects of cyclone-generated disturbance on a tropical reef foraminifera assemblage
LC Strotz, BL Mamo, D Dominey-Howes
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 24846, 2016
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Articles 1–20