Sudirman Nasir (
Sudirman Nasir (
Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
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Cited by
Limits and opportunities to community health worker empowerment: a multi-country comparative study
S Kane, M Kok, H Ormel, L Otiso, M Sidat, I Namakhoma, S Nasir, ...
Social Science & Medicine 164, 27-34, 2016
The social context of initiation into injecting drugs in the slums of Makassar, Indonesia
S Nasir, D Rosenthal
International Journal of Drug Policy 20 (3), 237-243, 2009
Predicting obesity in adults using machine learning techniques: an analysis of Indonesian basic health research 2018
SA Thamrin, DS Arsyad, H Kuswanto, A Lawi, S Nasir
Frontiers in nutrition 8, 669155, 2021
faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku SADARI sebagai deteksi dini kanker payudara pada mahasiswi FKM Unhas
S Sarina, RM Thaha, S Nasir
Hasanuddin Journal of Public Health 1 (1), 61-70, 2020
Use of most significant change (MSC) technique to evaluate health promotion training of maternal community health workers in Cianjur district, Indonesia
R Limato, R Ahmed, A Magdalena, S Nasir, F Kotvojs
Evaluation and program planning 66, 102-110, 2018
Analysis of Indonesia’s community health volunteers (kader) as maternal health promoters in the community integrated health service (Posyandu) following health promotion training
P Tumbelaka, R Limato, S Nasir, D Syafruddin, H Ormel, R Ahmed
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health 5 (3), 856-863, 2018
What factors do make quality improvement work in primary health care? Experiences of maternal health quality improvement teams in three Puskesmas in Indonesia
R Limato, P Tumbelaka, R Ahmed, S Nasir, D Syafruddin, H Ormel, ...
PloS one 14 (12), e0226804, 2019
Perilaku Konsumsi Sayur Dan Buah Anak Prasekolah Di Desa Embatau Kecamatan Tikala Kabupaten Toraja Utara
IA Indira
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia 11 (4), 253-262, 2015
A one health exploration of the reasons for low cocoa productivity in West Sulawesi
DS Arsyad, S Nasir, AI Arundhana, KY Phan-Thien, JA Toribio, ...
One Health 8, 100107, 2019
Multiple burdens of stigma for prisoners participating in Opioid Antagonist Treatment (OAT) programmes in Indonesian prisons: A qualitative study
R Komalasari, S Wilson, S Nasir, S Haw
International Journal of Prisoner Health 17 (2), 156-170, 2020
The social context of controlled drug use amongst young people in a slum area in Makassar, Indonesia
S Nasir, D Rosenthal, T Moore
International Journal of Drug Policy 22 (6), 463-470, 2011
Diversity of dengue virus serotype in endemic region of South Sulawesi Province
M Taslim, AA Arsunan, H Ishak, S Nasir, AN Usman
Journal of tropical medicine 2018 (1), 9682784, 2018
The Lorong as a Risk Environment: Drug Use and Gangs among Young Men in the Slums of Makassar, Indonesia
S Nasir, D Rosenthal
Contemporary Drug Problems 36 (1-2), 193-215, 2009
Context analysis: close-to-community maternal health providers in South West Sumba and Cianjur, Indonesia
S Nasir, R Ahmed, M Kurniasari, R Limato, K De Koning, O Tulloch, ...
Reachout Linking Communities & Health Systems, 2014
Antenatal testing for anaemia, HIV and syphilis in Indonesia–a health systems analysis of low coverage
C Baker, R Limato, P Tumbelaka, BB Rewari, S Nasir, R Ahmed, ...
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 20, 1-11, 2020
Challenges that hinder parturients to deliver in health facilities: a qualitative analysis in two districts of Indonesia
S Nasir, R Ahmed, M Kurniasari, R Limato, O Tulloch, D Syafruddin, ...
Makara Journal of Health Research 20 (3), 4, 2016
Drugs Abuse Behavior Prevention Model through Family Approach in Adolescents in Kendari City
WONN Rachman, M Syafar, S Nasir, R Amiruddin, AK Ahmad, ...
Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 15 (3), 1497-1502, 2022
Prevention of Drug Use in Early Adolescents in Palu City, Indonesia
A Yani, S Palutturi, R Amiruddin, S Nasir, A Fransiska, A Syam, Y Thamrin, ...
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences 10 (E), 758-763, 2022
Perilaku Seksual pada Remaja yang Berpacaran di SMA Negeri 2 Kairatu Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat
E Evi, S Sudirman, S Suriah
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia 9 (4), 250-256, 2013
Study of Verbal Bullying in Early Adolescents (Case Study of Pallangga 5 Junior High School and Sungguminasa 3 Junior High School)
N Arifuddin, MAT, Suriah, S, Nasir, S, Syafar, M, Saleh, ML, Jafar
Medico Legal Update 21 (1), 1553-1563, 2021
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Articles 1–20