James Hambleton
Cited by
Cited by
Anisotropic elastic, strength, and fracture properties of Marcellus shale
Z Jin, W Li, C Jin, J Hambleton, G Cusatis
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 109, 124-137, 2018
Bio-inspired geotechnical engineering: principles, current work, opportunities and challenges
A Martinez, J DeJong, I Akin, A Aleali, C Arson, J Atkinson, P Bandini, ...
Géotechnique 72 (8), 687-705, 2022
Modeling wheel-induced rutting in soils: Indentation
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
Journal of Terramechanics 45 (6), 201-211, 2008
A C2 continuous approximation to the Mohr–Coulomb yield surface
AJ Abbo, AV Lyamin, SW Sloan, JP Hambleton
International Journal of Solids and Structures 48 (21), 3001-3010, 2011
Modeling wheel-induced rutting in soils: Rolling
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
Journal of Terramechanics 46 (2), 35-47, 2009
Geomechanics of subsidence above single and multi-seam coal mining
AMS Iwanec, JP Carter, JP Hambleton
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8 (3), 304-313, 2016
Prediction of the bullet effect for rockfall barriers: a scaling approach
M Spadari, A Giacomini, O Buzzi, JP Hambleton
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 45 (2), 131-144, 2012
Vermiculate artefacts in image analysis of granular materials
S Stanier, J Dijkstra, D Leśniewska, J Hambleton, D White, DM Wood
Computers and Geotechnics 72, 100-113, 2016
On modeling a rolling wheel in the presence of plastic deformation as a three-or two-dimensional process
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 51 (11-12), 846-855, 2009
Perforation of flexible rockfall barriers by normal block impact
JP Hambleton, O Buzzi, A Giacomini, M Spadari, SW Sloan
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 46 (3), 515-526, 2013
Drained capacity of a suction caisson in sand under inclined loading
L Zhao, C Gaudin, CD O’Loughlin, JP Hambleton, MJ Cassidy, M Herduin
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 145 (2), 04018107, 2018
A perturbation method for optimization of rigid block mechanisms in the kinematic method of limit analysis
JP Hambleton, SW Sloan
Computers and Geotechnics 48, 260-271, 2013
Undrained uplift capacity of deeply embedded strip anchors in non-uniform soil
SB Yu, JP Hambleton, SW Sloan
Computers and Geotechnics 70, 41-49, 2015
Modeling test rolling on cohesive subgrades
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
International Conference on Advanced Characterisation of Pavement and Soil …, 2007
Bounding surface elasto-viscoplasticity: a general constitutive framework for rate-dependent geomaterials
Z Shi, JP Hambleton, G Buscarnera
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 145 (3), 04019002, 2019
Development of improved test rolling methods for roadway embankment construction
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
Minnesota Department of Transportation, 2008
Analysis of installation forces for helical piles in clay
JP Hambleton, SA Stanier, C Gaudin, K Todeshkejoei
Australian Geomechanics 49 (4), 73-79, 2014
Approximate model for blunt objects indenting cohesive‐frictional materials
JP Hambleton, A Drescher
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2012
Modelling ploughing and cutting processes in soils
JP Hambleton, SA Stanier, DJ White, SW Sloan
Australian Geomechanics 49 (4), 147-156, 2014
Modelling installation of helical anchors in clay
C Todeshkejoei, JP Hambleton, SA Stanier, C Gaudin
14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer …, 2015
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Articles 1–20