Azadeh Alavi
Azadeh Alavi
School of Computing Technologies, RMIT University
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Cited by
Triplet probabilistic embedding for face verification and clustering
S Sankaranarayanan, A Alavi, CD Castillo, R Chellappa
2016 IEEE 8th international conference on biometrics theory, applications …, 2016
KEPLER: Keypoint and Pose Estimation of Unconstrained Faces by Learning Efficient H-CNN Regressors
A Kumar, A Alavi, R Chellappa
IEEE Face and Gestures, 2017
Deep learning in diabetic foot ulcers detection: A comprehensive evaluation
MH Yap, R Hachiuma, A Alavi, R Brüngel, B Cassidy, M Goyal, H Zhu, ...
Computers in biology and medicine 135, 104596, 2021
A cascaded convolutional neural network for age estimation of unconstrained faces
JC Chen, A Kumar, R Ranjan, VM Patel, A Alavi, R Chellappa
2016 IEEE 8th International conference on biometrics theory, applications …, 2016
Triplet similarity embedding for face verification
S Sankaranarayanan, A Alavi, R Chellappa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1602.03418, 2016
Unconstrained age estimation with deep convolutional neural networks
R Ranjan, S Zhou, JC Chen, A Kumar, A Alavi, VM Patel, R Chellappa
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) workshop on ChaLearn …, 2015
Exploring the structural distribution of genetic variation in SARS-CoV-2 with the COVID-3D online resource
S Portelli, M Olshansky, CHM Rodrigues, EN D’Souza, Y Myung, M Silk, ...
Nature genetics 52 (10), 999-1001, 2020
Clustering on Grassmann manifolds via kernel embedding with application to action analysis
S Shirazi, MT Harandi, C Sanderson, A Alavi, BC Lovell
2012 19th IEEE international conference on image processing, 781-784, 2012
Self-supervised contrastive learning for medical time series: A systematic review
Z Liu, A Alavi, M Li, X Zhang
Sensors 23 (9), 4221, 2023
Labeling Monoclonal Antibodies and F(ab')2 Fragments with (111In) Indium Using Cyclic DTPA Anhydride and Their In Vivo Behavior in Mice Bearing Human …
J Powe, KY Pak, CH Paik, Z Steplewski, MA Ebbert, D Herlyn, C Ernst, ...
Cancer Drug Delivery 1 (2), 125-135, 1984
Visual learning and classification of human epithelial type 2 cell images through spontaneous activity patterns
Y Yang, A Wiliem, A Alavi, BC Lovell, P Hobson
Pattern Recognition 47 (7), 2325-2337, 2014
KEPLER: Simultaneous estimation of keypoints and 3D pose of unconstrained faces in a unified framework by learning efficient H-CNN regressors
A Kumar, A Alavi, R Chellappa
Image and Vision Computing 79, 49-62, 2018
Efficient clustering on riemannian manifolds: A kernelised random projection approach
K Zhao, A Alavi, A Wiliem, BC Lovell
Pattern Recognition 51, 333-345, 2016
Automated classification of dopaminergic neurons in the rodent brain
A Alavi, B Cavanagh, G Tuxworth, A Meedeniya, A Mackay-Sim, ...
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 81-88, 2009
Multi-shot person re-identification via relational stein divergence
A Alavi, Y Yang, M Harandi, C Sanderson
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 3542-3546, 2013
Learning a Structured Dictionary for Video-Based Face Recognition
H Xu, J Zheng, A Alavi, R Chellappa
Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 2016
Random projections on manifolds of symmetric positive definite matrices for image classification
A Alavi, A Wiliem, K Zhao, BC Lovell, C Sanderson
IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 301-308, 2014
Radioimmunodetection of human tumor xenografts by monoclonal antibodies correlates with antibody density and affinity
J Powe, D Herlyn, A Alavi, D Munz, Z Steplewski, H Koprowski
Immunoscintigraphy, 135-152, 1985
Dcnns on a diet: Sampling strategies for reducing the training set size
M Kabkab, A Alavi, R Chellappa
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.04232, 2016
Classification of human epithelial type 2 cell images using independent component analysis
Y Yang, A Wiliem, A Alavi, P Hobson
2013 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 733-737, 2013
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Articles 1–20