Serene Ho
Cited by
Cited by
Building information modelling for high‐rise land administration
B Atazadeh, M Kalantari, A Rajabifard, S Ho, T Ngo
Transactions in GIS 21 (1), 91-113, 2017
Extending a BIM-based data model to support 3D digital management of complex ownership spaces
B Atazadeh, M Kalantari, A Rajabifard, S Ho, T Champion
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (3), 499-522, 2017
Modelling building ownership boundaries within BIM environment: A case study in Victoria, Australia
B Atazadeh, M Kalantari, A Rajabifard, S Ho
Computers, environment and urban systems 61, 24-38, 2017
Legal barriers to 3D cadastre implementation: What is the issue?
S Ho, A Rajabifard, J Stoter, M Kalantari
Land use policy 35, 379-387, 2013
Governance of national spatial data infrastructures in Europe
J Crompvoets, G Vancauwenberghe, S Ho, I Masser, WT De Vries
International Journal of Spatial Data Infrastructures Research 13, 253-285, 2018
Towards 3D-enabled urban land administration: Strategic lessons from the BIM initiative in Singapore
S Ho, A Rajabifard
Land Use Policy 57, 1-10, 2016
Innovative remote sensing methodologies for Kenyan land tenure mapping
M Koeva, C Stöcker, S Crommelinck, S Ho, M Chipofya, J Sahib, ...
Remote sensing 12 (2), 273, 2020
Towards innovative geospatial tools for fit-for-purpose land rights mapping
M Koeva, R Bennett, M Gerke, S Crommelinck, C Stöcker, J Crompvoets, ...
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
Harnessing BIM for 3D digital management of stratified ownership rights in buildings
B Atazadeh, M Kalantari, A Rajabifard, T Champion, S Ho
Proceedings of the FIG Working Week, 2016
Unmanned Aerial System imagery, land data and user needs: A socio-technical assessment in Rwanda
C Stöcker, S Ho, P Nkerabigwi, C Schmidt, M Koeva, R Bennett, ...
Remote sensing 11 (9), 1035, 2019
A framework for selecting a fit-for-purpose data collection method in land administration
S Rahmatizadeh, A Rajabifard, M Kalantari, S Ho
Land use policy 70, 162-171, 2018
Learning from the crowd: The role of volunteered geographic information in realising a spatially enabled society
S Ho, A Rajabifard
Proceedings of GSDI 12, 2010
The benefits of fit-for-purpose land administration for urban community resilience in a time of climate change and COVID-19 pandemic
D Mitchell, B Barth, S Ho, MS Sait, D McEvoy
Land 10 (6), 563, 2021
‘Invisible’constraints on 3D innovation in land administration: A case study on the city of Melbourne
S Ho, A Rajabifard, M Kalantari
Land Use Policy 42, 412-425, 2015
Alternative planning and land administration for future smart cities [leading edge]
S Sabri, A Rajabifard, S Ho, MR Namazi-Rad, C Pettit
IEEE technology and society magazine 34 (4), 33-73, 2015
Considerations for a contemporary 3D cadastre for our times
J Stoter, S Ho, F Biljecki
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2019
Decentralization as a Strategy to Scale Fit-for-Purpose Land Administration: An Indian Perspective on Institutional Challenges
S Ho, PR Choudhury, N Haran, R Leshinsky
Land 10 (2), 199, 2021
3D Cadastre: a Multifaceted Challenge
A Rajabifard, A., Williamson, I., Marwick, B., Kalantari, M., Ho, S ...
Proceeding of the FIG Congress 2014, 2014
Integrating teaching and learning with inter-disciplinary action research in support of climate resilient urban development
D McEvoy, U Iyer-Raniga, S Ho, D Mitchell, V Jegatheesan, N Brown
Sustainability 11 (23), 6701, 2019
Leveraging VGI integrated with 3D spatial technology to support urban intensification in Melbourne, Australia
S Sabri, A Rajabifard, S Ho, S Amirebrahimi, I Bishop
Urban Planning 1 (2), 32-48, 2016
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Articles 1–20