Amin Maghbouli
Amin Maghbouli
Ph.D. | former affiliations: TU/e, PoliMi and NUS
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Performance, combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel derived from waste cooking oils
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua
Applied energy 112, 493-499, 2013
Impact of emulsion fuel with nano-organic additives on the performance of diesel engine
WM Yang, H An, SK Chou, KJ Chua, B Mohan, V Sivasankaralingam, ...
Applied energy 112, 1206-1212, 2013
Effects of piston bowl geometry on combustion and emission characteristics of biodiesel fueled diesel engines
J Li, WM Yang, H An, A Maghbouli, SK Chou
Fuel 120, 66-73, 2014
Detailed physical properties prediction of pure methyl esters for biodiesel combustion modeling
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, SK Chou, KJ Chua
Applied energy 102, 647-656, 2013
Numerical study of combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines using 3D-CFD models coupled with chemical kinetics
A Maghbouli, RK Saray, S Shafee, J Ghafouri
Fuel 106, 98-105, 2013
A numerical study on a hydrogen assisted diesel engine
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38 (6), 2919-2928, 2013
A skeletal mechanism for biodiesel blend surrogates combustion
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, KJ Chua
Energy conversion and management 81, 51-59, 2014
An advanced combustion model coupled with detailed chemical reaction mechanism for DI diesel engine simulation
A Maghbouli, W Yang, H An, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua
Applied energy 111, 758-770, 2013
A numerical investigation on combustion and emission characteristics of a dual fuel engine at part load condition
SM Mousavi, RK Saray, K Poorghasemi, A Maghbouli
Fuel 166, 309–319, 2015
Study on RCCI (Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition) engine by means of statistical experimental design
J Li, WM Yang, TN Goh, H An, A Maghbouli
Energy 78, 777-787, 2014
Numerical investigation on the combustion and emission characteristics of a hydrogen assisted biodiesel combustion in a diesel engine
H An, WM Yang, A Maghbouli, J Li, SK Chou, KJ Chua, JX Wang, L Li
Fuel 120, 186-194, 2014
Automatic mesh generation for CFD simulations of direct-injection engines
T Lucchini, A Della Torre, G D'Errico, G Montenegro, M Fiocco, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
A numerical modeling on the emission characteristics of a diesel engine fueled by diesel and biodiesel blend fuels
H An, W Yang, J Li, A Maghbouli, KJ Chua, SK Chou
Applied energy 130, 458-465, 2014
A multi-dimensional CFD-chemical kinetics approach in detection and reduction of knocking combustion in diesel-natural gas dual-fuel engines using local heat release analysis
A Maghbouli, S Shafee, RK Saray, W Yang, V Hosseini, H An
SAE International Journal of Engines, 2013
Effects of injection strategies and fuel injector configuration on combustion and emission characteristics of a DI diesel engine fueled by bio-diesel
A Maghbouli, W Yang, H An, J Li, S Shafee
Renewable Energy 76, 687-698, 2015
Effects of pilot diesel injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel engines at part load conditions
SM Mousavi, RK Saray, K Bahlouli, K Poorghasemi, A Maghbouli, ...
Fuel 258, 116153, 2019
Modeling knocking combustion in hydrogen assisted compression ignition diesel engines
A Maghbouli, W Yang, H An, S Shafee, J Li, S Mohammadi
Energy 76, 768-779, 2014
Effects of grid alignment on modeling the spray and mixing process in direct injection diesel engines under non-reacting operating conditions
A Maghbouli, T Lucchini, G D'Errico, A Onorati
Applied Thermal Engineering 91, 901-912, 2015
Modelling compression ignition engines by incorporation of the flamelet generated manifolds combustion closure
A Maghbouli, B Akkurt, T Lucchini, G D'Errico, NG Deen, B Somers
Combustion Theory and Modelling 23 (3), 414-438, 2019
Parametric Comparison of Well-Mixed and Flamelet n-dodecane Spray Combustion with Engine Experiments at Well Controlled Boundary Conditions
A Maghbouli, T Lucchini, G D'Errico, A Onorati, LM Malbec, ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2016
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Articles 1–20