Mark Mayo
Mark Mayo
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The epidemiology of melioidosis in Australia and Papua New Guinea
BJ Currie, DA Fisher, DM Howard, JNC Burrow, S Selvanayagam, ...
Acta tropica 74 (2-3), 121-127, 2000
A Prospective Study of the Impact of Community-Based Azithromycin Treatment of Trachoma on Carriage and Resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae
AJ Leach, TM Shelby-James, M Mayo, M Gratten, AC Laming, BJ Currie, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 24 (3), 356-362, 1997
Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time PCR Assay Targeting the Type III Secretion System of Burkholderia pseudomallei
RT Novak, MB Glass, JE Gee, D Gal, MJ Mayo, BJ Currie, PP Wilkins
Journal of clinical microbiology 44 (1), 85-90, 2006
Phylogeographic reconstruction of a bacterial species with high levels of lateral gene transfer
T Pearson, P Giffard, S Beckstrom-Sternberg, R Auerbach, H Hornstra, ...
BMC biology 7, 1-14, 2009
Animal melioidosis in Australia
JL Choy, M Mayo, A Janmaat, BJ Currie
Acta tropica 74 (2-3), 153-158, 2000
A cluster of melioidosis cases from an endemic region is clonal and is linked to the water supply using molecular typing of Burkholderia pseudomallei isolates.
BJ Currie, M Mayo, NM Anstey, P Donohoe, A Haase, DJ Kemp
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 65 (3), 177-179, 2001
Burkholderia stagnalis sp. nov. and Burkholderia territorii sp. nov., two novel Burkholderia cepacia complex species from environmental and human sources
B De Smet, M Mayo, C Peeters, JEA Zlosnik, T Spilker, TJ Hird, JJ LiPuma, ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 65 (Pt_7 …, 2015
Systematic Review and Consensus Guidelines for Environmental Sampling of Burkholderia pseudomallei
D Limmathurotsakul, DAB Dance, V Wuthiekanun, M Kaestli, M Mayo, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 7 (3), e2105, 2013
Global and regional dissemination and evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei
C Chewapreecha, MTG Holden, M Vehkala, N Välimäki, Z Yang, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (4), 1-8, 2017
Variable virulence factors in Burkholderia pseudomallei (melioidosis) associated with human disease
DS Sarovich, EP Price, JR Webb, LM Ward, MY Voutsinos, A Tuanyok, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e91682, 2014
Development of a prototype lateral flow immunoassay (LFI) for the rapid diagnosis of melioidosis
RL Houghton, DE Reed, MA Hubbard, MJ Dillon, H Chen, BJ Currie, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 8 (3), e2727, 2014
Landscape Changes Influence the Occurrence of the Melioidosis Bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in Soil in Northern Australia
M Kaestli, M Mayo, G Harrington, L Ward, F Watt, JV Hill, AC Cheng, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 3 (1), e364, 2009
Genomic islands from five strains of Burkholderia pseudomallei
A Tuanyok, BR Leadem, RK Auerbach, SM Beckstrom-Sternberg, ...
BMC genomics 9, 1-14, 2008
Burkholderia pseudomallei virulence: definition, stability and association with clonality
GC Ulett, BJ Currie, TW Clair, M Mayo, N Ketheesan, J Labrooy, D Gal, ...
Microbes and Infection 3 (8), 621-631, 2001
Within-host evolution of Burkholderia pseudomallei over a twelve-year chronic carriage infection
EP Price, DS Sarovich, M Mayo, A Tuanyok, KP Drees, M Kaestli, ...
MBio 4 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 00388-13, 2013
Out of the ground: aerial and exotic habitats of the melioidosis bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei in grasses in Australia
M Kaestli, M Schmid, M Mayo, M Rothballer, G Harrington, L Richardson, ...
Environmental microbiology 14 (8), 2058-2070, 2012
Extreme weather events and environmental contamination are associated with case-clusters of melioidosis in the Northern Territory of Australia
AC Cheng, SP Jacups, D Gal, M Mayo, BJ Currie
International journal of epidemiology 35 (2), 323-329, 2006
Tandem repeat regions within the Burkholderia pseudomallei genome and their application for high resolution genotyping
JM U'Ren, JM Schupp, T Pearson, H Hornstra, CLC Friedman, KL Smith, ...
BMC microbiology 7, 1-20, 2007
Characterization of ceftazidime resistance mechanisms in clinical isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei from Australia
DS Sarovich, EP Price, AT Von Schulze, JM Cook, M Mayo, LM Watson, ...
PloS one 7 (2), e30789, 2012
The Darwin Prospective Melioidosis Study: a 30-year prospective, observational investigation
BJ Currie, M Mayo, LM Ward, M Kaestli, EM Meumann, JR Webb, ...
The Lancet infectious diseases 21 (12), 1737-1746, 2021
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