Arash Rabbani
Arash Rabbani
Assistant Professor in Computer Science, University of Leeds
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An automated simple algorithm for realistic pore network extraction from micro-tomography Images
SS Arash Rabbani, Saeid Jamshidi
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014
Hybrid pore-network and Lattice-Boltzmann permeability modelling accelerated by machine learning
A Rabbani, M Babaei
Advances in Water Resources 126, 116 - 128, 2019
Dynamic modeling of the formation damage and mud cake deposition using filtration theories coupled with SEM image processing
A Rabbani, S Salehi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 42, 157-168, 2017
Estimation of 3-D pore network coordination number of rocks from watershed segmentation of a single 2-D image
A Rabbani, S Ayatollahi, R Kharrat, N Dashti
Advances in Water Resources, 2016
Pore system characteristics of soil aggregates and their relevance to aggregate stability
M Menon, T Mawodza, A Rabbani, A Blaud, GJ Lair, M Babaei, ...
Geoderma 366, 114259, 2020
DeePore: a deep learning workflow for rapid and comprehensive characterization of porous materials
A Rabbani, M Babaei, R Shams, Y Da Wang, T Chung
Advances in Water Resources 146, 103787, 2020
Reliability of algorithms interpreting topological and geometric properties of porous media for pore network modelling
TG Baychev, AP Jivkov, A Rabbani, AQ Raeini, Q Xiong, T Lowe, ...
Transport in Porous Media 128 (1), 271-301, 2019
Comparing three image processing algorithms to estimate the grain-size distribution of porous rocks from binary 2d images and sensitivity analysis of the grain overlapping degree
A Rabbani, S Ayatollahi
Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal 6 (1), 71-89, 2015
Direct characterization of solute transport in unsaturated porous media using fast X-ray synchrotron microtomography
S Hasan, V Niasar, NK Karadimitriou, JRA Godinho, NT Vo, S An, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (38), 23443-23449, 2020
Specific surface and porosity relationship for sandstones for prediction of permeability
A Rabbani, S Jamshidi
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 71, 25-32, 2014
Gas Flow Models of Shale: A Review
F Javadpour, H Singh, A Rabbani, M Babaei, S Enayati
Energy & Fuels 35 (4), 2999-3010, 2021
Evolution of pore-scale morphology of oil shale during pyrolysis: a quantitative analysis
A Rabbani, TG Baychev, S Ayatollahi, AP Jivkov
Transport in Porous Media 119, 143-162, 2017
Estimation of carbonates permeability using pore network parameters extracted from thin section images and comparison with experimental data
A Rabbani, A Assadi, R Kharrat, N Dashti, S Ayatollahi
Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 42, 85-98, 2017
Pore network extraction using geometrical domain decomposition
A Rabbani, P Mostaghimi, RT Armstrong
Advances in Water Resources 123, 70-83, 2019
A triple pore network model (T-PNM) for gas flow simulation in fractured, micro-porous and meso-porous media
A Rabbani, M Babaei, F Javadpour
Transport in Porous Media 132, 707-740, 2020
Integrated image processing and computational techniques to characterize formation damage
CP Ezeakacha, A Rabbani, S Salehi, A Ghalambor
SPE International Conference and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control …, 2018
Determination of specific surface of rock grains by 2D imaging
A Rabbani, S Jamshidi, S Salehi
Journal of Geological Research 2014 (1), 945387, 2014
A hybrid fracture-micropore network model for multiphysics gas flow in coal
Y Jing, A Rabbani, RT Armstrong, J Wang, P Mostaghimi
Fuel 281, 118687, 2020
Image-based modeling of carbon storage in fractured organic-rich shale with deep learning acceleration
A Rabbani, M Babaei
Fuel 299, 120795, 2021
Review of Data Science Trends and Issues in Porous Media Research With a Focus on Image‐Based Techniques
A Rabbani, AM Fernando, R Shams, A Singh, P Mostaghimi, M Babaei
Water Resources Research 57 (10), e2020WR029472, 2021
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Articles 1–20