Rebecca T. Pinkus
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The impact of appearance comparisons made through social media, traditional media, and in person in women’s everyday lives
J Fardouly, RT Pinkus, LR Vartanian
Body image 20, 31-39, 2017
The nature and structure of correlations among Big Five ratings: the halo-alpha-beta model.
I Anusic, U Schimmack, RT Pinkus, P Lockwood
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (6), 1142, 2009
The phenomenology of weight stigma in everyday life
LR Vartanian, RT Pinkus, JM Smyth
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science 3 (3), 196-202, 2014
Weight stigma predicts poorer psychological well‐being through internalized weight bias and maladaptive coping responses
LE Hayward, LR Vartanian, RT Pinkus
Obesity 26 (4), 755-761, 2018
Signaling when (and when not) to be cautious and self-protective: impulsive and reflective trust in close relationships.
SL Murray, RT Pinkus, JG Holmes, B Harris, S Gomillion, M Aloni, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 101 (3), 485, 2011
Experiences of weight stigma in everyday life: Implications for health motivation.
LR Vartanian, RT Pinkus, JM Smyth
Stigma and Health 3 (2), 85, 2018
For better and for worse: Everyday social comparisons between romantic partners.
RT Pinkus, P Lockwood, U Schimmack, MA Fournier
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (5), 1180, 2008
Effects of everyday romantic goal pursuit on women’s attitudes toward math and science
LE Park, AF Young, JD Troisi, RT Pinkus
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (9), 1259-1273, 2011
Commitment insurance: compensating for the autonomy costs of interdependence in close relationships.
SL Murray, JG Holmes, M Aloni, RT Pinkus, JL Derrick, S Leder
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (2), 256, 2009
The effects of romantic partners’ goal congruence on affective well-being
J Gere, U Schimmack, RT Pinkus, P Lockwood
Journal of Research in Personality 45 (6), 549-559, 2011
A smart unconscious? Procedural origins of automatic partner attitudes in marriage
SL Murray, JG Holmes, RT Pinkus
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 46 (4), 650-656, 2010
Interpersonal effects of appearance-based rejection sensitivity
LE Park, RT Pinkus
Journal of research in personality 43 (4), 602-612, 2009
Photoperiodic regulation of food storing and hippocampus volume in black-capped chickadees, Poecile atricapillus
SA MacDougall-Shackleton, DF Sherry, AP Clark, R Pinkus, ...
Animal Behaviour 65 (4), 805-812, 2003
Becoming irreplaceable: How comparisons to the partner’s alternatives differentially affect low and high self-esteem people
SL Murray, S Leder, JCD MacGregor, JG Holmes, RT Pinkus, B Harris
Journal of experimental social psychology 45 (6), 1180-1191, 2009
The impact of social comparisons on motivation.
P Lockwood, RT Pinkus
The Guilford Press, 2008
Condom use during COVID-19: Findings from an Australian sample of heterosexual young adults
L Dacosta, RT Pinkus, J Morandini, I Dar-Nimrod
Sexologies 30 (1), e43-e48, 2021
Does partner gender influence relationship quality among non-monosexual women?
JS Morandini, RT Pinkus, I Dar-Nimrod
Sexual and Relationship Therapy 33 (1-2), 146-165, 2018
Being better than you is better for us: Attachment avoidance and social comparisons within romantic relationships
S Thai, P Lockwood, RT Pinkus, SY Chen
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 33 (4), 493-514, 2016
Cautious to a fault: Self-protection and the trajectory of marital satisfaction
SL Murray, JG Holmes, JL Derrick, B Harris, DW Griffin, RT Pinkus
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (3), 522-533, 2013
Responses to comparisons in romantic relationships: Empathy, shared fate, and contrast
RT Pinkus, P Lockwood, TC Marshall, HM Yoon
Personal Relationships 19 (1), 182-201, 2012
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Articles 1–20