Richard McGarvey
Richard McGarvey
SARDI Aquatic Sciences
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Targets or limits for management of fisheries?
JF Caddy, R McGarvey
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 16 (3), 479-487, 1996
Spatial variation in mean growth rates at size of southern rock lobster, Jasus edwardsii, in South Australian waters
R McGarvey, GJ Ferguson, JH Prescott
Marine and Freshwater Research 50 (4), 333-342, 1999
Effects of the 1995 and 1998 mass mortality events on the spawning biomass of sardine, Sardinops sagax, in South Australian waters
TM Ward, F Hoedt, L McLeay, WF Dimmlich, M Kinloch, G Jackson, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (4), 865-875, 2001
Evidence of large-scale spatial declines in recruitment patterns of southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii, across south-eastern Australia
A Linnane, C Gardner, D Hobday, A Punt, R McGarvey, J Feenstra, ...
Fisheries Research 105 (3), 163-171, 2010
Measurement, management and mitigation of operational interactions between the South Australian Sardine Fishery and short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
DJ Hamer, TM Ward, R McGarvey
Biological Conservation 141 (11), 2865-2878, 2008
Spatial and Parent-Age Analysis of Stock–Recruitment in the Georges Bank Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Population
R McGarvey, FM Serchuk, IA McLaren
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50 (3), 564-574, 1993
Precision of systematic and random sampling in clustered populations: habitat patches and aggregating organisms
R McGarvey, P Burch, JM Matthews
Ecological Applications 26 (1), 233-248, 2016
Estimating rates of fish movement from tag recoveries: conditioning by recapture
R McGarvey, JE Feenstra
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 59 (6), 1054-1064, 2002
Estimating growth within size-structured fishery stock assessments: what is the state of the art and what does the future look like?
AE Punt, M Haddon, R McGarvey
Fisheries research 180, 147-160, 2016
Survey estimates of fishable biomass following a mass mortality in an Australian molluscan fishery
S Mayfield, R McGarvey, HK Gorfine, H Peeters, P Burch, S Sharma
Journal of Fish Diseases 34 (4), 287-302, 2011
Integrating recapture-conditioned movement estimation into spatial stock assessment: a South Australian lobster fishery application
R McGarvey, AJ Linnane, JE Feenstra, AE Punt, JM Matthews
Fisheries Research 105 (2), 80-90, 2010
Assessing population sustainability and response to fishing in terms of aggregation structure for greenlip abalone (Haliotis laevigata) fishery management
NA Dowling, SJ Hall, R McGarvey
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 61 (2), 247-259, 2004
Estimating lobster recruitment and exploitation rate from landings by weight and numbers and age-specific weights
R McGarvey, JM Matthews, JH Prescott
Marine and Freshwater Research 48 (8), 1001-1008, 1997
Incorporating numbers harvested in dynamic estimation of yearly recruitment: onshore wind in interannual variation of South Australian rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)
R McGarvey, JM Matthews
ICES Journal of Marine Science 58 (5), 1092-1099, 2001
Integrated Fisheries Management models Understanding the limits to marine resource exploitation
JM McGlade, R McGarvey
Advances in the science and technology of ocean management, 194-232, 2002
A diver survey design to estimate absolute density, biomass, and spatial distribution of abalone
R McGarvey, S Mayfield, K Byth, T Saunders, R Chick, B Foureur, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 (9), 1931-1944, 2008
Modeling fish numbers dynamically by age and length: partitioning cohorts into" slices"
R McGarvey, JE Feenstra, Q Ye
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64 (9), 1157-1173, 2007
Statistics of Reproduction and early Life History Survival of the Georges Bank Sea Scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) Population
R McGarvey, F Serchuk, IA McLaren
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 13, 1992
Overview, opportunities and outlook for Australian spiny lobster fisheries
ÉE Plagányi, R McGarvey, C Gardner, N Caputi, D Dennis, S de Lestang, ...
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 28, 57-87, 2018
Evaluating empirical decision rules for southern rock lobster fisheries: a South Australian example
AE Punt, R McGarvey, A Linnane, J Phillips, L Triantafillos, J Feenstra
Fisheries Research 115, 60-71, 2012
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