Dr Lincoln Gill
Cited by
Cited by
Influences on pre-service teachers’ preparedness to use ICTs in the classroom
L Gill, B Dalgarno
Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology? Proceedings …, 2008
A qualitative analysis of pre-service primary school teachers’ TPACK development over the four years of their teacher preparation programme
L Gill, B Dalgarno
Technology, Pedagogy and Education 26 (4), 439-456, 2017
How Does Pre-Service Teacher Preparedness to Use ICTs for Learning and Teaching Develop Through Their Degree Program?
L Gill, B Dalgarno, L Carlson
Australian Journal of Teacher Education 40 (1), 3, 2015
How does pre-service teacher preparedness to use ICTs for learning and teaching develop during the first two years of teacher training?
L Gill, B Dalgarno
Proceedings of ascilite, 2010
It's what you do with IT that matters!
L Gill
ASCILITE 2016: 33rd international conference on innovation, practice and …, 2016
TPCK: What happens when the'T'is also the'C'?
L Gill
Explorations of Best Practice in Technology, Design & Engineering Education …, 2012
Assessing and progressing psychomotor development in technology and design education
L Gill
2022 Biennial International Design and Technologies Teaching and Research …, 2023
Evaluation and development of skills in technology education: Examples for Industrial Technology
L Gill
Institute of Technology Education Journal 11 (1), 15-21, 2022
Teacher education students’ use of ICTs in teaching and learning on professional placement: Investigating influences and development within the activity systems of university …
L Gill
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Articles 1–9