Boaz Mohar
Boaz Mohar
HHMI Janelia Research Campus
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Cited by
High-performance calcium sensors for imaging activity in neuronal populations and microcompartments
H Dana, Y Sun, B Mohar, BK Hulse, AM Kerlin, JP Hasseman, G Tsegaye, ...
Nature methods 16 (7), 649-657, 2019
Sensitive red protein calcium indicators for imaging neural activity
H Dana, B Mohar, Y Sun, S Narayan, A Gordus, JP Hasseman, ...
elife 5, e12727, 2016
Video-rate volumetric functional imaging of the brain at synaptic resolution
R Lu, W Sun, Y Liang, A Kerlin, J Bierfeld, JD Seelig, DE Wilson, B Scholl, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (4), 620-628, 2017
A general method to optimize and functionalize red-shifted rhodamine dyes
JB Grimm, AN Tkachuk, L Xie, H Choi, B Mohar, N Falco, K Schaefer, ...
Nature Methods 17 (8), 815-821, 2020
Visualizing cellular and tissue ultrastructure using Ten-fold Robust Expansion Microscopy (TREx)
HGJ Damstra, B Mohar, M Eddison, A Akhmanova, LC Kapitein, ...
Elife 11, e73775, 2022
Functional clustering of dendritic activity during decision-making
A Kerlin, B Mohar, D Flickinger, BJ MacLennan, MB Dean, C Davis, ...
Elife 8, e46966, 2019
Glutamate indicators with improved activation kinetics and localization for imaging synaptic transmission
A Aggarwal, R Liu, Y Chen, AJ Ralowicz, SJ Bergerson, F Tomaska, ...
Nature methods 20 (6), 925-934, 2023
The effects of estrogen and progesterone on blood glutamate levels: evidence from changes of blood glutamate levels during the menstrual cycle in women
A Zlotnik, BF Gruenbaum, B Mohar, R Kuts, SE Gruenbaum, S Ohayon, ...
Biology of reproduction 84 (3), 581-586, 2011
Blood glutamate scavengers prolong the survival of rats and mice with brain-implanted gliomas
A Ruban, T Berkutzki, I Cooper, B Mohar, VI Teichberg
Investigational new drugs 30, 2226-2235, 2012
Local and thalamic origins of correlated ongoing and sensory-evoked cortical activities
K Cohen-Kashi Malina, B Mohar, AN Rappaport, I Lampl
Nature communications 7 (1), 12740, 2016
Determination of factors affecting glutamate concentrations in the whole blood of healthy human volunteers
A Zlotnik, S Ohayon, BF Gruenbaum, SE Gruenbaum, B Mohar, M Boyko, ...
Journal of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology 23 (1), 45-49, 2011
Blood glutamate scavenging as a novel neuroprotective treatment for paraoxon intoxication
A Ruban, B Mohar, G Jona, VI Teichberg
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 34 (2), 221-227, 2014
Meningeal lymphoid structures are activated under acute and chronic spinal cord pathologies
M Cohen, A Giladi, C Raposo, M Zada, B Li, J Ruckh, A Deczkowska, ...
Life Science Alliance 4 (1), 2021
Opposite adaptive processing of stimulus intensity in two major nuclei of the somatosensory brainstem
B Mohar, Y Katz, I Lampl
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (39), 15394-15400, 2013
Faithful representation of tactile intensity under different contexts emerges from the distinct adaptive properties of the first somatosensory relay stations
B Mohar, E Ganmor, I Lampl
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (18), 6997-7002, 2015
Brain-wide measurement of protein turnover with high spatial and temporal resolution
B Mohar, JB Grimm, R Patel, TA Brown, PW Tillberg, LD Lavis, N Spruston, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.11. 12.516226, 2022
The transformation of adaptation specificity to whisker identity from brainstem to thalamus
M Jubran, B Mohar, I Lampl
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 10, 56, 2016
Ten-fold Robust Expansion Microscopy
HGJ Damstra, B Mohar, M Eddison, A Akhmanova, LC Kapitein, ...
Bio-protocol 13 (12), 2023
Protocol for mouse perfusion with dye, DAPI staining, and slide preparation
B Mohar, M Copeland
Retro-orbital injection of virus or dye in mice
B Mohar
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Articles 1–20