Jan A. Piotrowski
Jan A. Piotrowski
Professor of Quaternary Geology, Aarhus University
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The last deglaciation of the southeastern sector of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet
VR Rinterknecht, PU Clark, GM Raisbeck, F Yiou, A Bitinas, EJ Brook, ...
Science 311 (5766), 1449-1452, 2006
Reflections on soft subglacial beds as a mosaic of deforming and stable spots
JA Piotrowski, NK Larsen, FW Junge
Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (9-10), 993-1000, 2004
Subglacial hydrology in north-western Germany during the last glaciation: groundwater flow, tunnel valleys and hydrological cycles
JA Piotrowski
Quaternary Science Reviews 16 (2), 169-185, 1997
Tunnel valleys: Concepts and controversies—A review
AE Kehew, JA Piotrowski, F Jørgensen
Earth-Science Reviews 113 (1-2), 33-58, 2012
The evolution of western Scandinavian topography: a review of Neogene uplift versus the ICE (isostasy–climate–erosion) hypothesis
SB Nielsen, K Gallagher, C Leighton, N Balling, L Svenningsen, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 47 (2-3), 72-95, 2009
Tunnel-valley formation in northwest Germany—geology, mechanisms of formation and subglacial bed conditions for the Bornhöved tunnel valley
JA Piotrowski
Sedimentary Geology 89 (1-2), 107-141, 1994
Were deforming subglacial beds beneath past ice sheets really widespread?
JA Piotrowski, DM Mickelson, S Tulaczyk, D Krzyszkowski, FW Junge
Quaternary International 86 (1), 139-150, 2001
Subglacial conditions under the last ice sheet in northwest Germany: ice-bed separation and enhanced basal sliding?
JA Piotrowski, S Tulaczyk
Quaternary Science Reviews 18 (6), 737-751, 1999
Formation of subglacial till under transient bed conditions: deposition, deformation, and basal decoupling under a Weichselian ice sheet lobe, central Poland
JA Piotrowski, NK Larsen, J Menzies, W Wysota
Sedimentology 53 (1), 83-106, 2006
Response of sediment to ice-sheet loading in northwestern Germany: effective stresses and glacier-bed stability
JA Piotrowski, AM Kraus
Journal of Glaciology 43 (145), 495-502, 1997
A morphometric analysis of tunnel valleys in the eastern North Sea based on 3D seismic data
TB Kristensen, M Huuse, JA Piotrowski, OR Clausen
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2007
Cosmogenic 10 Be ages on the pomeranian moraine, Poland
VR Rinterknecht, L Marks, JA Piotrowski, GM Raisbeck, F Yiou, EJ Brook, ...
Boreas 34 (2), 186-191, 2005
Signature of the Baltic ice stream on Funen Island, Denmark during the Weichselian glaciation
F Jørgensen, JA Piotrowski
Boreas 32 (1), 242-255, 2003
A multiproxy study of a basal till: a time‐transgressive accretion and deformation hypothesis
NK Larsen, JA Piotrowski, C Kronborg
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2004
Subglacial groundwater flow during the last glaciation in northwestern Germany
JA Piotrowski
Sedimentary Geology 111 (1-4), 217-224, 1997
Fabric pattern in a basal till succession and its significance for reconstructing subglacial processes
NK Larsen, JA Piotrowski
Journal of Sedimentary Research 73 (5), 725-734, 2003
Basal processes beneath an Arctic glacier and their geomorphic imprint after a surge, Elisebreen, Svalbard
P Christoffersen, JA Piotrowski, NK Larsen
Quaternary Research 64 (2), 125-137, 2005
Make EU trade with Brazil sustainable
L Kehoe, T Reis, M Virah-Sawmy, A Balmford, T Kuemmerle, ...
Science 364 (6438), 341-341, 2019
Time‐transgressive tunnel valley formation indicated by infill sediment structure, North Sea–the role of glaciohydraulic supercooling
TB Kristensen, JA Piotrowski, M Huuse, OR Clausen, L Hamberg
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2008
Ice stream motion facilitated by a shallow-deforming and accreting bed
M Spagnolo, E Phillips, JA Piotrowski, BR Rea, CD Clark, CR Stokes, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 10723, 2016
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Articles 1–20