I-Tung Yang
Cited by
Cited by
BIM integrated smart monitoring technique for building fire prevention and disaster relief
YW Cheng, M.Y., Chiu, K.C., Hsieh, Y.M., Yang, I-Tung,, Chou, J.S., and Wu
Automation in Construction, 14-30, 2017
Using elitist particle swarm optimization to facilitate bicriterion time-cost trade-off analysis
IT Yang
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 133 (7), 498-505, 2007
Discussion of “Comparison of Linear Scheduling Model and Repetitive Scheduling Method” by Kris G. Mattila and Amy Park
PG Ioannou, IT Yang
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 2004
Optimal path planning in real time for dynamic building fire rescue operations using wireless sensors and visual guidance
JS Chou, MY Cheng, YM Hsieh, IT Yang, HT Hsu
Automation in Construction 99, 1-17, 2019
Probabilistic simulation for developing likelihood distribution of engineering project cost
JS Chou, IT Yang, WK Chong
Automation in Construction 18 (5), 570-577, 2009
Simulation-based estimation for correlated cost elements
IT Yang
International Journal of Project Management 23 (4), 275-282, 2005
Applying the AHP to support the best-value contractor selection–lessons learned from two case studies in Taiwan
WC Wang, W Yu, IT Yang, CC Lin, MT Lee, YY Cheng
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19 (1), 24-36, 2013
Performing complex project crashing analysis with aid of particle swarm optimization algorithm
IT Yang
International Journal of Project Management 25 (6), 637-646, 2007
Performing complex project crashing analysis with aid of particle swarm optimization algorithm
IT Yang
International Journal of Project Management 25 (6), 637-646, 2007
Impact of budget uncertainty on project time-cost tradeoff
IT Yang
IEEE Transactions on engineering management 52 (2), 167-174, 2005
Repetitive scheduling method: Requirements, modeling, and implementation
PG Ioannou, IT Yang
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 142 (5), 04016002, 2016
Stochastic resource-constrained scheduling for repetitive construction projects with uncertain supply of resources and funding
IT Yang, CY Chang
International Journal of Project Management 23 (7), 546-553, 2005
Automatic repair of inconsistent pairwise weighting matrices in analytic hierarchy process
IT Yang, WC Wang, TI Yang
Automation in Construction 22, 290-297, 2012
Chance-constrained time–cost tradeoff analysis considering funding variability
IT Yang
Journal of construction engineering and management 131 (9), 1002-1012, 2005
Resource-constrained scheduling for continuous repetitive projects with time-based production units
M Hsie, CJ Chang, IT Yang, CY Huang
Automation in Construction 18 (7), 942-949, 2009
Resource-driven scheduling for repetitive projects: a pull-system approach
IT Yang, PG Ioannou
Proceedings of the 9th International Group for Lean Construction Conference …, 2001
An invisible head marker tracking system for indoor mobile augmented reality
C Kuo, T Jeng, I Yang
Automation in Construction 33, 104-115, 2013
Scheduling system with focus on practical concerns in repetitive projects
IT Yang, PG Ioannou
Construction Management and Economics 22 (6), 619-630, 2004
Reliability-based design optimization with discrete design variables and non-smooth performance functions: AB-PSO algorithm
IT Yang, YH Hsieh
Automation in construction 20 (5), 610-619, 2011
Reliability-based design optimization with cooperation between support vector machine and particle swarm optimization
IT Yang, YH Hsieh
Engineering with Computers 29 (2), 151-163, 2013
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Articles 1–20