Amer Syed
Cited by
Cited by
Flue gas injection for CO2 storage and enhanced coalbed methane recovery: mixed gas sorption and swelling characteristics of coals
A Syed, S Durucan, JQ Shi, A Korre
Energy Procedia 37, 6738-6745, 2013
Two phase relative permeabilities for gas and water in selected European coals
S Durucan, M Ahsan, JQ Shi, A Syed, A Korre
Fuel 134, 226-236, 2014
Two phase relative permeability of gas and water in coal for enhanced coalbed methane recovery and CO2 storage
S Durucan, M Ahsan, A Syed, JQ Shi, A Korre
Energy Procedia 37, 6730-6737, 2013
The use of polymer-gel solutions for remediation of potential CO2 leakage from storage reservoirs
A Syed, B Pantin, S Durucan, A Korre, JQ Shi
Energy Procedia 63, 4638-4645, 2014
The use of polymer-gel solutions for CO2 flow diversion and mobility control within storage sites
S Durucan, A Korre, JQ Shi, R Govindan, MH Mosleh, A Syed
Energy Procedia 86, 450-459, 2016
Performance of rigidly interconnected multiple floating pontoons
SA Syed, JS Mani
Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering 1 (1), 1-15, 2004
Implementation of horizontal well CBM/ECBM technology and the assessment of effective CO2 storage capacity in a Scottish coalfield
C Sinayuc, JQ Shi, CE Imrie, SA Syed, A Korre, S Durucan
Energy Procedia 4, 2150-2156, 2011
Permeability and injectivity improvement in CO2 enhanced coalbed methane recovery: thermal stimulation of the near wellbore region
A Syed, JQ Shi, S Durucan
Energy Procedia 4, 2137-2143, 2011
Experimental and numerical investigations into CO2 interactions with well infrastructure and its impact on long term well integrity
A Syed, JQ Shi, S Durucan, A Korre, G Nash
Energy Procedia 63, 5707-5714, 2014
Performance of Multiple Pontoons Floating Breakwater –A Numerical Approach
SA Syed, JS Mani
Civil Engineering in the Oceans VI, 342-355, 2006
Development and characterisation of a smart cement for CO2 leakage remediation at wellbores
MH Mosleh, S Durucan, A Syed, JQ Shi, A Korre, G Nash
Energy Procedia 114, 4147-4153, 2017
A portable triaxial cell for beamline imaging of rocks under triaxial state of stress
A Syed, Y Tanino, JM LaManna, DL Jacobson, DS Hussey, E Baltic, ...
Measurement Science and Technology 32 (9), 095403, 2021
Development of key performance indicators for CO2 storage operability and efficiency assessment: Application to the Southern North Sea Rotliegend Group
A Korre, S Durucan, JQ Shi, A Syed, R Govindan, S Hannis, J Williams, ...
Energy Procedia 37, 4894-4901, 2013
Enhanced Oil Recovery by Polymer Flooding: Direct, Low-Cost Visualization in a Hele–Shaw Cell
Y Tanino, A Syed
Education Sciences 9 (3), 186, 2019
Laboratory investigations on multiple pontoon floating breakwaters
SA Syed, JS Mani
Proceedings of 7th International Conf. on Coastal and Port Eng. in …, 2008
Integrating Making into Curriculum: A Case Study from the University of Edinburgh
A Syed
IJAMM, 2024
Understanding Cancer Patients with Diagnostically Influential Factors using High Dimensional Data Embedding
AS Syed, L Hajderanj, K Guo, D Chen
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2022
A Systems Based Modelling Tool for the Selection of Wave Energy Device to Power Remote Islands
A Syed, AJ Far, SS Aphale
2020 IEEE PES/IAS PowerAfrica, 1-5, 2020
New insights into fracture mechanics of sedimentary rocks using neutron tomography and mechanical tests
AS Syed, G Manoharan, D Jacobson, J LaManna, DS Hussey, E Baltic, ...
11th World Conference on Neutron Radiography, 2018
In-situ imaging of fractured rock and flow through them using simultaneous neutron and X-ray computed tomography, EPSRC
Y Tanino, A Syed
Impact 2017 (7), 61-63, 2017
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Articles 1–20