Kathleen Kyzar
Cited by
Cited by
Conceptualization and measurement of family outcomes associated with families of individuals with intellectual disabilities
AP Turnbull, JA Summers, SH Lee, K Kyzar
Mental retardation and developmental disabilities research reviews 13 (4 …, 2007
The relationship of family support to family outcomes: A synthesis of key findings from research on severe disability
KB Kyzar, AP Turnbull, JA Summers, VA Gómez
Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities 37 (1), 31-44, 2012
Predictors of competitive employment for students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
JD Southward, K Kyzar
Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities 52 (1), 26-37, 2017
Partnership patterns: Addressing emotional needs in early intervention
MJ Brotherson, JA Summers, LA Naig, K Kyzar, A Friend, P Epley, ...
Topics in Early Childhood Special Education 30 (1), 32-45, 2010
Reconceptualizing family-professional partnership for inclusive schools: A call to action
SJ Haines, GL Francis, TG Mueller, CY Chiu, MM Burke, K Kyzar, ...
Inclusion 5 (4), 234-247, 2017
23 Family Quality of Life
C Chiu, K Kyzar, N Zuna, A Turnbull, JA Summers, VA Gomez
The Oxford handbook of positive psychology and disability, 365, 2013
Cooperación entre familias y profesionales como fuerza catalizadora para una óptima inclusión: enfoque de los Estados Unidos de América
HR Turnbull III, K Kyzar, AP Turnbull
Revista de educación, 2009
Knowledge-to-action guides: Preparing families to be partners in making educational decisions
A Turnbull, N Zuna, JY Hong, X Hu, K Kyzar, S Obremski, JA Summers, ...
Teaching Exceptional Children 42 (3), 42-53, 2010
Services and supports, partnership, and family quality of life: Focus on deaf-blindness
KB Kyzar, SE Brady, JA Summers, SJ Haines, AP Turnbull
Exceptional Children 83 (1), 77-91, 2016
Special education teacher preparation for family–professional partnerships: Results from a national survey of teacher educators
KB Kyzar, TG Mueller, GL Francis, SJ Haines
Teacher Education and Special Education 42 (4), 320-337, 2019
Feasibility of an online professional development program for early intervention practitioners
KB Kyzar, C Chiu, P Kemp, HM Aldersey, AP Turnbull, DP Lindeman
Infants & Young Children 27 (2), 174-191, 2014
Family–professional partnerships as catalysts for successful inclusion: A United States of America perspective
AP Turnbull, HR Turnbull III, K Kyzar
Revista de Educación 349, 69-99, 2009
Families and professionals: Trusting partnerships in general and special education
A Turnbull, HR Turnbull, G Francis, MM Burke, K Kyzar, S Haines, ...
Pearson, 2021
Bridging the school-home divide in the middle grades: A process for strengthening school-family partnerships
K Kyzar, JB Jimerson
Middle School Journal 49 (1), 13-23, 2018
Family quality of life and partnership for families of students with deaf-blindness
K Kyzar, S Brady, JA Summers, A Turnbull
Remedial and special education 41 (1), 50-62, 2020
Fostering wisdom-based action through Web 2.0 Communities of practice: an example of the early childhood family support community of practice
AP Turnbull, JA Summers, G Gotto, M Stowe, D Beauchamp, S Klein, ...
Infants & Young Children 22 (1), 54-62, 2009
Special education faculty decision-making regarding designing and delivering family-professional partnership content and skills in the US
GL Francis, A Kilpatrick, SJ Haines, T Gershwin, KB Kyzar, I Hossain
Teaching and Teacher Education 105, 103419, 2021
Events that help and hinder family–teacher communication within SWPBIS: a qualitative analysis
MK Strickland-Cohen, KB Kyzar
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 21 (3), 148-158, 2019
Family-professional partnerships with refugee families of children with disabilities
SJ Haines, GL Francis, KB Kyzar, HM Aldersey, NB Adams
International review of research in developmental disabilities 54, 35-70, 2018
School–family partnerships to support positive behavior: Assessing social validity and intervention fidelity
MK Strickland–Cohen, KB Kyzar, FM Garza–Fraire
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 65 …, 2021
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Articles 1–20