D Mahinda Vilathgamuwa
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Cited by
Design, analysis, and real-time testing of a controller for multibus microgrid system
Y Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on power electronics 19 (5), 1195-1204, 2004
Pulse-width modulation of Z-source inverters
PC Loh, DM Vilathgamuwa, YS Lai, GT Chua, Y Li
2004 IEEE Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting., 2004
Microgrid power quality enhancement using a three-phase four-wire grid-interfacing compensator
Y Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE transactions on industry applications 41 (6), 1707-1719, 2005
Dynamic voltage restoration with minimum energy injection
SS Choi, BH Li, DM Vilathgamuwa
IEEE Transactions on power systems 15 (1), 51-57, 2000
Voltage sag compensation with energy optimized dynamic voltage restorer
DM Vilathgamuwa, AADR Perera, SS Choi
IEEE transactions on Power Delivery 18 (3), 928-936, 2003
A sensor fault detection and isolation method in interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives based on an extended Kalman filter
GHB Foo, X Zhang, DM Vilathgamuwa
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (8), 3485-3495, 2013
Nonlinear control of interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor
MA Rahman, DM Vilathgamuwa, MN Uddin, KJ Tseng
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 39 (2), 408-416, 2003
Determination of battery storage capacity in energy buffer for wind farm
XY Wang, DM Vilathgamuwa, SS Choi
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 23 (3), 868-878, 2008
Design of a robust grid interface system for PMSG-based wind turbine generators
S Zhang, KJ Tseng, DM Vilathgamuwa, TD Nguyen, XY Wang
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 58 (1), 316-328, 2010
Performance improvement of the dynamic voltage restorer with closed-loop load voltage and current-mode control
M Vilathgamuwa, AADR Perera, SS Choi
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 17 (5), 824-834, 2002
Transient modeling and analysis of pulse-width modulated Z-source inverter
PC Loh, DM Vilathgamuwa, CJ Gajanayake, YR Lim, CW Teo
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (2), 498-507, 2007
A grid-interfacing power quality compensator for three-phase three-wire microgrid applications
YW Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE transactions on Power Electronics 21 (4), 1021-1031, 2006
Protection of microgrids during utility voltage sags
DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh, Y Li
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 53 (5), 1427-1436, 2006
A robust control scheme for medium-voltage-level DVR implementation
YW Li, DM Vilathgamuwa, F Blaabjerg, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (4), 2249-2261, 2007
A novel technique to compensate voltage sags in multiline distribution system—The interline dynamic voltage restorer
D Vilathgamuwa, HM Wijekoon, SS Choi
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 53 (5), 1603-1611, 2006
Development of a Comprehensive Model and a Multiloop Controller for -Source Inverter DG Systems
CJ Gajanayake, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 54 (4), 2352-2359, 2007
An efficiency optimization scheme for bidirectional inductive power transfer systems
BX Nguyen, DM Vilathgamuwa, GHB Foo, P Wang, A Ong, UK Madawala, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 30 (11), 6310-6319, 2014
Control of energy optimized dynamic voltage restorer
M Vilathgamuwa, AADR Perera, SS Choi, KJ Tseng
IECON'99. Conference Proceedings. 25th Annual Conference of the IEEE …, 1999
Z-source-inverter-based flexible distributed generation system solution for grid power quality improvement
CJ Gajanayake, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 24 (3), 695-704, 2009
Design and comparison of high performance stationary-frame controllers for DVR implementation
YW Li, F Blaabjerg, DM Vilathgamuwa, PC Loh
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (2), 602-612, 2007
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Articles 1–20