Christopher D. Ives
Cited by
Cited by
Leverage points for sustainability transformation
DJ Abson, J Fischer, J Leventon, J Newig, T Schomerus, U Vilsmaier, ...
Ambio 46 (1), 30-39, 2017
Cities are hotspots for threatened species
CD Ives, PE Lentini, CG Threlfall, K Ikin, DF Shanahan, GE Garrard, ...
Global Ecology and biogeography 25 (1), 117-126, 2016
Reconnecting with nature for sustainability
CD Ives, DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, C Dorninger, K Klaniecki, J Fischer
Sustainability science 13, 1389-1397, 2018
Human–nature connection: a multidisciplinary review
CD Ives, M Giusti, J Fischer, DJ Abson, K Klaniecki, C Dorninger, ...
Current opinion in environmental sustainability 26, 106-113, 2017
The role of social values in the management of ecological systems
CD Ives, D Kendal
Journal of environmental management 144, 67-72, 2014
Inside-out sustainability: The neglect of inner worlds
CD Ives, R Freeth, J Fischer
Ambio 49, 208-217, 2020
Transforming knowledge systems for life on Earth: Visions of future systems and how to get there
I Fazey, N Schäpke, G Caniglia, A Hodgson, I Kendrick, C Lyon, G Page, ...
Energy research & social science 70, 101724, 2020
Taming a wicked problem: resolving controversies in biodiversity offsetting
M Maron, CD Ives, H Kujala, JW Bull, FJF Maseyk, S Bekessy, A Gordon, ...
BioScience 66 (6), 489-498, 2016
Capturing residents’ values for urban green space: Mapping, analysis and guidance for practice
CD Ives, C Oke, A Hehir, A Gordon, Y Wang, SA Bekessy
Landscape and Urban Planning 161, 32-43, 2017
Loving the mess: navigating diversity and conflict in social values for sustainability
JO Kenter, CM Raymond, CJ Van Riper, E Azzopardi, MR Brear, ...
Sustainability Science 14, 1439-1461, 2019
Religion and social values for sustainability
CD Ives, J Kidwell
Sustainability Science 14, 1355-1362, 2019
The role of socio-economic factors in planning and managing urban ecosystem services
ML Wilkerson, MGE Mitchell, D Shanahan, KA Wilson, CD Ives, ...
Ecosystem Services 31, 102-110, 2018
How just and just how? A systematic review of social equity in conservation research
RS Friedman, EA Law, NJ Bennett, CD Ives, JPR Thorn, KA Wilson
Environmental Research Letters 13 (5), 053001, 2018
Values and attitudes of the urban public towards peri-urban agricultural land
CD Ives, D Kendal
Land use policy 34, 80-90, 2013
Integrating biological and social values when prioritizing places for biodiversity conservation
AL Whitehead, H Kujala, CD Ives, A Gordon, PE Lentini, BA Wintle, ...
Conservation biology 28 (4), 992-1003, 2014
Leverage points for sustainability transformation: a review on interventions in food and energy systems
C Dorninger, DJ Abson, CI Apetrei, P Derwort, CD Ives, K Klaniecki, ...
Ecological Economics 171, 106570, 2020
A model integrating social-cultural concepts of nature into frameworks of interaction between social and natural systems
A Muhar, CM Raymond, RJG Van Den Born, N Bauer, K Böck, M Braito, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61 (5-6), 756-777, 2018
Achieving the promise of integration in social-ecological research
AM Guerrero, NJ Bennett, KA Wilson, N Carter, D Gill, M Mills, CD Ives, ...
Ecology and Society 23 (3), 2018
The ethics of offsetting nature
CD Ives, SA Bekessy
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13 (10), 568-573, 2015
Equity trade‐offs in conservation decision making
EA Law, NJ Bennett, CD Ives, R Friedman, KJ Davis, C Archibald, ...
Conservation Biology 32 (2), 294-303, 2018
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Articles 1–20