Rogerio Magalhaes Paniago
Rogerio Magalhaes Paniago
Full Professor, Dept Physics - UFMG
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Cited by
General equation for the determination of the crystallite size of nanographite by Raman spectroscopy
MAP LG Cançado, K Takai, T Enoki, M Endo, YA Kim, H Mizusaki, A Jorio, LN ...
Applied Physics Letters 88 (16), 163106, 2006
Structural analysis of polycrystalline graphene systems by Raman spectroscopy
J Ribeiro-Soares, ME Oliveros, C Garin, MV David, LGP Martins, ...
Carbon 95, 646-652, 2015
Grazing incidence small angle x-ray scattering from free-standing nanostructures
M Rauscher, R Paniago, H Metzger, Z Kovats, J Domke, J Peisl, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 86 (12), 6763-6769, 1999
3D Composition of Epitaxial Nanocrystals by Anomalous X-Ray Diffraction:<? format?> Observation of a Si-Rich Core in Ge Domes on Si (100)
A Malachias, S Kycia, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, R Magalhaes-Paniago, ...
Physical review letters 91 (17), 176101, 2003
Direct evaluation of composition profile, strain relaxation, and elastic energy of Ge: Si (001) self-assembled islands by anomalous x-ray scattering
R Magalhaes-Paniago, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, A Malachias, S Kycia, ...
Physical Review B 66 (24), 245312, 2002
Vapor–solid–solid growth mechanism driven by epitaxial match between solid AuZn alloy catalyst particles and ZnO nanowires at low temperatures
LC Campos, M Tonezzer, AS Ferlauto, V Grillo, R Magalhães‐Paniago, ...
Advanced Materials 20 (8), 1499-1504, 2008
Electrochemical dissolution of chalcopyrite: Detection of bornite by synchrotron small angle X-ray diffraction and its correlation with the hindered dissolution process
D Majuste, VST Ciminelli, K Osseo-Asare, MSS Dantas, ...
Hydrometallurgy 111, 114-123, 2012
Shape, size, strain and correlations in quantum dot systems studied by grazing incidence X-ray scattering methods
TH Metzger, I Kegel, R Paniago, A Lorke, J Peisl, J Schulze, I Eisele, ...
Thin Solid Films 336 (1-2), 1-8, 1998
Grazing incidence x-ray scattering: an ideal tool to study the structure of quantum dots
TH Metzger, I Kegel, R Paniago, J Peisl
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 32 (10A), A202, 1999
Paclitaxel-loaded pH-sensitive liposome: New insights on structural and physicochemical characterization
LOF Monteiro, A Malachias, G Pound-Lana, R Magalhães-Paniago, ...
Langmuir 34 (20), 5728-5737, 2018
X-ray study of atomic ordering in self-assembled Ge islands grown on Si (001)
A Malachias, TU Schülli, G Medeiros-Ribeiro, LG Cançado, M Stoffel, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (16), 165315, 2005
Probing the elastic properties of individual nanostructures by combining in situ atomic force microscopy and micro-x-ray diffraction
T Scheler, M Rodrigues, TW Cornelius, C Mocuta, A Malachias, ...
Applied Physics Letters 94 (2), 2009
Structural investigations of octadecylphosphonic acid multilayers
GN Fontes, A Malachias, R Magalhaes-Paniago, BRA Neves
Langmuir 19 (8), 3345-3349, 2003
Synthesis, characterization and radiolabeling of polymeric nano-micelles as a platform for tumor delivering
CMR Oda, RS Fernandes, SC de Araújo Lopes, MC de Oliveira, ...
Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 89, 268-275, 2017
AFM characterization of PbTe quantum dots grown by molecular beam epitaxy under Volmer–Weber mode
SO Ferreira, BRA Neves, R Magalhães-Paniago, A Malachias, ...
Journal of crystal growth 231 (1-2), 121-128, 2001
Direct detection of induced magnetic moment and efficient spin-to-charge conversion in graphene/ferromagnetic structures
JBS Mendes, O Alves Santos, T Chagas, R Magalhães-Paniago, TJA Mori, ...
Physical Review B 99 (21), 214446, 2019
Temperature-Induced Coexistence of a Conducting Bilayer and the Bulk-Terminated Surface of the Topological Insulator Bi2Te3
PM Coelho, GAS Ribeiro, A Malachias, VL Pimentel, WS Silva, DD Reis, ...
Nano letters 13 (9), 4517-4521, 2013
Growth mode and asymptotic smoothing of sputtered Fe/Au multilayers studied by x-ray diffuse scattering
R Paniago, R Forrest, PC Chow, SC Moss, SSP Parkin, D Cookson
Physical Review B 56 (20), 13442, 1997
Development of a bone-targeted pH-sensitive liposomal formulation containing doxorubicin: physicochemical characterization, cytotoxicity, and biodistribution evaluation in a …
DS Ferreira, SD Faria, SCA Lopes, CS Teixeira, A Malachias, ...
International journal of nanomedicine, 3737-3751, 2016
In situ observation of the elastic deformation of a single epitaxial SiGe crystal by combining atomic force microscopy and micro x-ray diffraction
MS Rodrigues, TW Cornelius, T Scheler, C Mocuta, A Malachias, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 106 (10), 2009
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Articles 1–20