Johannes Cairns
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Cited by
Host range of antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater treatment plant influent and effluent
J Hultman, M Tamminen, K Pärnänen, J Cairns, A Karkman, M Virta
FEMS microbiology ecology 94 (4), fiy038, 2018
Ecology determines how low antibiotic concentration impacts community composition and horizontal transfer of resistance genes
J Cairns, L Ruokolainen, J Hultman, M Tamminen, M Virta, T Hiltunen
Communications biology 1 (1), 35, 2018
Contrasting the impact of cytotoxic and cytostatic drug therapies on tumour progression
JV Anttila, M Shubin, J Cairns, F Borse, Q Guo, T Mononen, ...
PLoS computational biology 15 (11), e1007493, 2019
Sublethal streptomycin concentrations and lytic bacteriophage together promote resistance evolution
J Cairns, L Becks, M Jalasvuori, T Hiltunen
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Dual-stressor selection alters eco-evolutionary dynamics in experimental communities
T Hiltunen, J Cairns, J Frickel, M Jalasvuori, J Laakso, V Kaitala, S Künzel, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (12), 1974-1981, 2018
Towards evolutionary predictions: Current promises and challenges
MT Wortel, D Agashe, SF Bailey, C Bank, K Bisschop, T Blankers, ...
Evolutionary applications 16 (1), 3-21, 2023
Construction and characterization of synthetic bacterial community for experimental ecology and evolution
J Cairns, R Jokela, J Hultman, M Tamminen, M Virta, T Hiltunen
Frontiers in genetics 9, 312, 2018
Conjugation is necessary for a bacterial plasmid to survive under protozoan predation
J Cairns, M Jalasvuori, V Ojala, M Brockhurst, T Hiltunen
Biology letters 12 (2), 20150953, 2016
Repeatable ecological dynamics govern the response of experimental communities to antibiotic pulse perturbation
J Cairns, R Jokela, L Becks, V Mustonen, T Hiltunen
Nature Ecology & Evolution 10 (4), 1385–1394, 2020
Drug-induced resistance evolution necessitates less aggressive treatment
T Kuosmanen, J Cairns, R Noble, N Beerenwinkel, T Mononen, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (9), e1009418, 2021
Evolution in interacting species alters predator life-history traits, behaviour and morphology in experimental microbial communities
J Cairns, F Moerman, EA Fronhofer, F Altermatt, T Hiltunen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1928), 20200652, 2020
Predator coevolution and prey trait variability determine species coexistence
T Scheuerl, J Cairns, L Becks, T Hiltunen
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1902), 20190245, 2019
Genomic evolution of bacterial populations under coselection by antibiotics and phage
J Cairns, J Frickel, M Jalasvuori, T Hiltunen, L Becks
Molecular Ecology 26 (7), 1848-1859, 2017
Black queen evolution and trophic interactions determine plasmid survival after the disruption of the conjugation network
J Cairns, K Koskinen, R Penttinen, T Patinen, A Hartikainen, R Jokela, ...
Msystems 3 (5), 10.1128/msystems. 00104-18, 2018
Understanding and applying biological resilience, from genes to ecosystems
R Thorogood, V Mustonen, A Aleixo, PJ Aphalo, FO Asiegbu, M Cabeza, ...
npj Biodiversity 2 (1), 16, 2023
Evolving interactions between diazotrophic cyanobacterium and phage mediate nitrogen release and host competitive ability
J Cairns, S Coloma, K Sivonen, T Hiltunen
Royal Society open science 3 (12), 160839, 2016
Effects of phenotypic variation on consumer coexistence and prey community structure
SL Hogle, I Hepolehto, L Ruokolainen, J Cairns, T Hiltunen
Ecology Letters 25 (2), 307-319, 2022
Microbiological and physicochemical quality of groundwater and risk factors for Its pollution in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
O Traoré, DS Kpoda, R Dembélé, CKS Saba, J Cairns, N Barro, K Haukka
Water 15 (21), 3734, 2023
Strong selective environments determine evolutionary outcome in time-dependent fitness seascapes
J Cairns, F Borse, T Mononen, T Hiltunen, V Mustonen
Evolution Letters 6 (3), 266-279, 2022
Localized coevolution between microbial predator and prey alters community-wide gene expression and ecosystem function
SL Hogle, L Ruusulehto, J Cairns, J Hultman, T Hiltunen
The ISME Journal 17 (4), 514-524, 2023
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Articles 1–20