Colin (Jim) Webb
Colin (Jim) Webb
Assoc. Prof. Griffith University, Adjunct
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Materials for hydrogen-based energy storage–past, recent progress and future outlook
M Hirscher, VA Yartys, M Baricco, JB von Colbe, D Blanchard, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 827, 153548, 2020
Application of hydrides in hydrogen storage and compression: Achievements, outlook and perspectives
JB Von Colbe, JR Ares, J Barale, M Baricco, C Buckley, G Capurso, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 44 (15), 7780-7808, 2019
Magnesium based materials for hydrogen based energy storage: Past, present and future
VA Yartys, MV Lototskyy, E Akiba, R Albert, VE Antonov, JR Ares, ...
international journal of hydrogen energy 44 (15), 7809-7859, 2019
Review of magnesium hydride-based materials: development and optimisation
JC Crivello, B Dam, RV Denys, M Dornheim, DM Grant, J Huot, ...
Applied Physics A 122, 1-20, 2016
Modelling and simulation of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser cell
Z Abdin, CJ Webb, EMA Gray
International journal of hydrogen energy 40 (39), 13243-13257, 2015
A review of catalyst-enhanced magnesium hydride as a hydrogen storage material
CJ Webb
Journal of physics and chemistry of solids 84, 96-106, 2015
Concepts for improving hydrogen storage in nanoporous materials
DP Broom, CJ Webb, GS Fanourgakis, GE Froudakis, PN Trikalitis, ...
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (15), 7768-7779, 2019
PEM fuel cell model and simulation in Matlab–Simulink based on physical parameters
Z Abdin, CJ Webb, EMA Gray
Energy 116, 1131-1144, 2016
Mg-based compounds for hydrogen and energy storage
JC Crivello, RV Denys, M Dornheim, M Felderhoff, DM Grant, J Huot, ...
Applied Physics A 122, 1-17, 2016
Outlook and challenges for hydrogen storage in nanoporous materials
DP Broom, CJ Webb, KE Hurst, PA Parilla, T Gennett, CM Brown, ...
Applied Physics A 122, 1-21, 2016
Versatile in situ powder X-ray diffraction cells for solid–gas investigations
TR Jensen, TK Nielsen, Y Filinchuk, JE Jørgensen, Y Cerenius, EMA Gray, ...
Journal of applied crystallography 43 (6), 1456-1463, 2010
Hydrogen storage for off-grid power supply
EMA Gray, CJ Webb, J Andrews, B Shabani, PJ Tsai, SLI Chan
International journal of hydrogen energy 36 (1), 654-663, 2011
Review of polymers of intrinsic microporosity for hydrogen storage applications
D Ramimoghadam, EMA Gray, CJ Webb
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (38), 16944-16965, 2016
A review of mathematical modelling of metal-hydride systems for hydrogen storage applications
SS Mohammadshahi, EMA Gray, CJ Webb
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (5), 3470-3484, 2016
Modelling and simulation of an alkaline electrolyser cell
Z Abdin, CJ Webb, EMA Gray
Energy 138, 316-331, 2017
Non‐fluorinated polymer composite proton exchange membranes for fuel cell applications–A review
N Esmaeili, EMA Gray, CJ Webb
ChemPhysChem 20 (16), 2016-2053, 2019
Hydrogen storage in carbon nanostructures via spillover
DS Pyle, EMA Gray, CJ Webb
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (42), 19098-19113, 2016
RETRACTED: Solar hydrogen hybrid energy systems for off-grid electricity supply: A critical review
Z Abdin, CJ Webb, EMA Gray
Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 52, 1791-1808, 2015
In-Situ X-ray Diffraction Study of γ-Mg(BH4)2 Decomposition
M Paskevicius, MP Pitt, CJ Webb, DA Sheppard, U Filsø, EMA Gray, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (29), 15231-15240, 2012
The synthesis of nanoscopic Ti based alloys and their effects on the MgH2 system compared with the MgH2+ 0.01 Nb2O5 benchmark
MP Pitt, M Paskevicius, CJ Webb, DA Sheppard, CE Buckley, EMA Gray
international journal of hydrogen energy 37 (5), 4227-4237, 2012
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Articles 1–20