Judith Anderson
Cited by
Cited by
Dealing with end of life—new graduated nurse experiences
L Croxon, L Deravin, J Anderson
Journal of clinical nursing 27 (1-2), 337-344, 2018
Nursing bedside clinical handover–an integrated review of issues and tools
J Anderson, L Malone, K Shanahan, J Manning
Journal of clinical nursing 24 (5-6), 662-671, 2015
Does the COVID-19 pandemic further impact nursing shortages?
V Lopez, J Anderson, S West, M Cleary
Issues in Mental Health Nursing 43 (3), 293-295, 2022
Can we predict burnout among student nurses? An exploration of the ICWR-1 model of individual psychological resilience
CS Rees, B Heritage, R Osseiran-Moisson, D Chamberlain, L Cusack, ...
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1072, 2016
Experience of overseas‐trained health professionals in rural and remote areas of destination countries: A literature review
S Dywili, A Bonner, J Anderson, L O'Brien
Australian Journal of Rural Health 20 (4), 175-184, 2012
Closing the gap in Indigenous health inequity–Is it making a difference?
L Deravin, K Francis, J Anderson
International nursing review 65 (4), 477-483, 2018
Are newly graduated nurses ready to deal with death and dying?-A literature review
LD Malone, J Anderson, L Croxon
Nursing and Palliative Care 1 (4), 89-93, 2016
Developing support for remote nursing education through workplace culture that values learning
H Gibb, J Anderson, K Forsyth
Australian Journal of Rural Health 12 (5), 201-205, 2004
A discussion of nursing students’ experiences of culture shock during an international clinical placement and the clinical facilitators’ role
C Maginnis, J Anderson
Contemporary Nurse 53 (3), 348-354, 2017
Student participation in clinical handover–an integrative review
L Malone, J Anderson, J Manning
Journal of clinical nursing 25 (5-6), 575-582, 2016
A re‐examination of the individual differences approach that explains occupational resilience and psychological adjustment among nurses
B Heritage, CS Rees, R Osseiran‐Moisson, D Chamberlain, L Cusack, ...
Journal of nursing management 27 (7), 1391-1399, 2019
Australian student nurse's knowledge of and attitudes toward primary health care: A cross-sectional study
S Mackey, C Kwok, J Anderson, D Hatcher, S Laver, C Dickson, L Stewart
Nurse Education Today 60, 127-132, 2018
Culture of rural nursing practice: a critical theoretical analysis of determinants of power in nursing
H Gibb, K Forsyth, J Anderson
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing 23 (2), 34, 2005
Chronic care undergraduate nursing education in Australia
J Anderson, L Malone
Nurse education today 35 (12), 1135-1138, 2015
Collaboration: developing integration in multi-purpose services in rural New South Wales, Australia
JK Anderson, A Bonner, J Grootjans, JAA Bonner
Rural and remote health 11 (1827), 2011
Analysis of Acute Non-specific Back Pain Content on TikTok: An Exploratory Study
A Zheluk, J Anderson, S Dineen-Griffin
Cureus 14 (1), 2022
Advice for running a successful research team
D Stanley, J Anderson
Nurse researcher 23 (2), 2015
" It's only the skin colour, otherwise we are all people": The changing face of the Australian nurse
S Dywili, L O'brien, J Anderson
Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, The 38 (2), 13-22, 2021
Suitability of the multi-purpose service model for rural and remote communities of Australia
J Anderson, L Malone
Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 9 (3), 14-18, 2014
A regional approach to the education of nurse practitioner candidates to meet the health needs of rural Australians
K Francis, M Boyd, H Latham, J Anderson, A Bradley, J Manners
Contemporary nurse 49, 27-34, 2014
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Articles 1–20