Pamela Hoyte
Cited by
Cited by
Contextuality and context-sensitivity in probabilistic models of cognition
PD Bruza, L Fell, P Hoyte, S Dehdashti, A Obeid, A Gibson, C Moreira
Cognitive Psychology 140, 101529, 2023
Human information interaction and the cognitive predicting theory of trust
L Fell, A Gibson, P Bruza, P Hoyte
Proceedings of the 2020 conference on human information interaction and …, 2020
Implications of the embodied, enactive mind on theorizing about information experience
P Hoyte
Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology 56 (1 …, 2019
A Quantum Model of Trust Calibration in Human–AI Interactions
L Roeder, P Hoyte, J van der Meer, L Fell, P Johnston, G Kerr, P Bruza
Entropy 25 (9), 1362, 2023
Information Enaction: An Experiential Account of Information
P Hoyte
Queensland University of Technology, 2024
The Phenomenological Mind: Foregrounding Experience Through CognitiveAnti-realism and Quantum Cognition
P Hoyte, P Bruza, G Thompson
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 41, 2019
This work was partially supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.
S Abramsky, H Atmanspacher, M Bitbol, B Coecke, T Cohen, S Dehdashti, ...
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Articles 1–7