Myeong-Hun Jeong
Myeong-Hun Jeong
Professor, Chosun University, Republic of Korea
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Cited by
A multidimensional spatial scan statistics approach to movement pattern comparison
Y Gao, T Li, S Wang, MH Jeong, K Soltani
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 32 (7), 1304-1325, 2018
Highway speed prediction using gated recurrent unit neural networks
MH Jeong, TY Lee, SB Jeon, M Youm
Applied Sciences 11 (7), 3059, 2021
Data depth based clustering analysis
MH Jeong, Y Cai, CJ Sullivan, S Wang
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances …, 2016
Decentralized and coordinate-free computation of critical points and surface networks in a discretized scalar field
MH Jeong, M Duckham, A Kealy, HJ Miller, A Peisker
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 28 (1), 1-21, 2014
LaSa: location aware wireless security access control for IoT systems
B Lu, L Wang, J Liu, W Zhou, L Guo, MH Jeong, S Wang, G Han
Mobile Networks and Applications 24, 748-760, 2019
Object Detection of Road Facilities Using YOLOv3 for High-definition Map Updates.
TY Lee, MH Jeong, A Peter
Sensors & Materials 34, 2022
Recovery of forest vegetation in a burnt area in the Republic of Korea: A perspective based on sentinel-2 data
Y Kim, MH Jeong, M Youm, J Kim, J Kim
Applied Sciences 11 (6), 2570, 2021
Decentralized querying of topological relations between regions without using localization
M Duckham, MH Jeong, S Li, J Renz
Proceedings of the 18th SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in …, 2010
Gap-filling eddy covariance latent heat flux: Inter-comparison of four machine learning model predictions and uncertainties in forest ecosystem
MS Khan, SB Jeon, MH Jeong
Remote Sensing 13 (24), 4976, 2021
Complex radiation sensor network analysis with big data analytics
MH Jeong, CJ Sullivan, S Wang
2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC …, 2015
Bus Travel Speed Prediction Using Long Short-term Memory Neural Network
SB Jeon, MH Jeong, TY Lee, JH Lee, JM Cho
Sens. Mater 32, 4441-4447, 2020
Road Network Traffic Data Prediction Using ResNet
SB Jeon, MS Khan, JH Lee, MH Jeong
Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science Vol, 2021
Robust abnormality detection methods for spatial search of radioactive materials
MH Jeong, CJ Sullivan, Y Gao, S Wang
Transactions in GIS 23 (4), 860-877, 2019
Decentralized querying of topological relations between regions monitored by a coordinate-free geosensor network
MH Jeong, M Duckham
GeoInformatica 17 (44), 669-696, 2013
Determination of optimal locations for offshore wind farms using the analytical hierarchy process
G Kim, MH Jeong, SB Jeon, TY Lee, HY Oh, CS Park
Journal of Coastal Research 114 (SI), 439-443, 2021
Vessel trajectory reconstruction based on functional data analysis using automatic identification system data
MH Jeong, SB Jeon, TY Lee, MK Youm, DH Lee
Applied Sciences 10 (3), 881, 2020
Analysis of dynamic radiation level changes using surface networks
MH Jeong, S Wang, CJ Sullivan
Advancing Geographic Information Science: The past and Next Twenty Years …, 2016
Detecting anomalous vessel dynamics with functional data analysis
H Huang, K Qiu, MH Jeong, SB Jeon, WP Lee
Journal of Coastal Research 91 (SI), 406-410, 2019
Outlier detection and comparison of origin-destination flows using data depth
MH Jeong, J Yin, S Wang
10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), 2018
A coordinate-free, decentralized algorithm for monitoring events occurring to peaks in a dynamic scalar field
MH Jeong, M Duckham
2013 IEEE Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor …, 2013
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Articles 1–20