Togar Wiliater Soaloon Panjaitan
Togar Wiliater Soaloon Panjaitan
Universitas Kristen Petra, University of Queensland
Email yang diverifikasi di petra.ac.id
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Evaluasi Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dengan Metode HIRARC pada PT. Charoen Pokphand Indonesia
A Wijaya, TWS Panjaitan, HC Palit
Jurnal titra 3 (1), 29-34, 2015
Penyusunan Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control (HIRARC) Di PT. X
S Irawan, TWS Panjaitan, LY Bendatu
Jurnal Titra 3 (1), 15-18, 2015
The effect of organizational trust and organizational citizenship behavior on employee performance
Y Lay, SR Basana, TWS Panjaitan
SHS Web of Conferences 76, 01058, 2020
Perancangan Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Departemen Human Resources (HR) Di PT. X
PS Hadiwiyono, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 1 (2), 227-232, 2013
Perancangan Dokumen Hazard Identification Risk Assessment Risk Control (HIRARC) Pada Perusahaan Furniture: Studi Kasus
LN Halim, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 4 (2), 279-284, 2016
Logistic service quality and customer satisfaction to customer retention on rice producer industry
S Nugroho, S Kempa, TWS Panjaitan
SHS Web of Conferences 76, 01048, 2020
Analysis of green product knowledge, green behavior and green consumers of Indonesian students (case study for universities in Surabaya)
TWS Panjaitan, IN Sutapa
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2010
A study of management decisions to adopt emission reduction measures in heavy industry in an emerging economy
TWS Panjaitan, P Dargusch, D Wadley, AA Aziz
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 1413, 2023
Meeting international standards of cleaner production in developing countries: Challenges and financial realities facing the Indonesian cement industry
TWS Panjaitan, P Dargusch, D Wadley, AA Aziz
Journal of Cleaner Production 318, 128604, 2021
ERP compatibility on business performance through the inventory system and internal integration
P Sebayang, ZJH Tarigan, TWS Panjaitan
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1010 (1), 012008, 2021
Minimalisasi Kekurangan Material melalui Implementasi Quality Control Circle
TWS Panjaitan, AYA Debora, M Yessicha
Jurnal Teknik Industri: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknik Industri 13 (2 …, 2011
Carbon management in an emissions-intensive industry in a developing economy: cement manufacturing in Indonesia
TWS Panjaitan, P Dargusch, D Wadley
Case Study in Environment 2 (cse. 20), 1-9, 2018
Pembuatan Prototipe Hunian Sementara untuk Pengungsi di Indonesia
WE Santoso, F Felecia, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 4 (2), 235-242, 2016
Toward the best practice emissions reduction in an emerging economy: an analysis of cement manufacturing in Indonesia
TWS Panjaitan, P Dargusch, D Wadley
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8 (1), 103-122, 2020
Perancangan Emergency Response Plan di PT ETA Indonesia
Y Glorius, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 1 (2), 89-96, 2013
Measuring the usage level of the IE tools in SMEs Using Malcolm Baldrige Scoring System
IN Sutapa, TWS Panjaitan, J Rahardjo
Proceedings of Second International Conference on Electrical Systems …, 2016
Upaya Pencapaian Zero Accident di PT. Sari Mas Permai
N Novitasari, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 3 (2), 223-228, 2015
Penyusunan Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and Risk Control pada Perusahaan Pipa Baja
SE Pratama, TWS Panjaitan
Analisis Penurunan Tingkat Kecacatan untuk Produk Paper Core di PT. X
AD Pinasthika, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra 11 (2), 249-256, 2023
Menghitung Eco-efficiency di PT. APIE Indo Karunia
WS Lay, TWS Panjaitan
Jurnal Titra, 155-160, 2014
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Artikel 1–20