Using Lorenz curves to assess public transport equity A Delbosc, G Currie Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1252-1259, 2011 | 546 | 2011 |
The spatial context of transport disadvantage, social exclusion and well-being A Delbosc, G Currie Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1130-1137, 2011 | 373 | 2011 |
Causes of youth licensing decline: a synthesis of evidence A Delbosc, G Currie Transport Reviews 33 (3), 271-290, 2013 | 360 | 2013 |
Exploring the relative influences of transport disadvantage and social exclusion on well-being A Delbosc, G Currie Transport Policy 18 (4), 555-562, 2011 | 260 | 2011 |
Modelling the social and psychological impacts of transport disadvantage G Currie, A Delbosc Transportation 37, 953-966, 2010 | 238 | 2010 |
The role of well-being in transport policy A Delbosc Transport Policy 23, 25-33, 2012 | 237 | 2012 |
Modelling the causes and impacts of personal safety perceptions on public transport ridership A Delbosc, G Currie Transport Policy 24, 302-309, 2012 | 226 | 2012 |
Transport problems that matter–social and psychological links to transport disadvantage A Delbosc, G Currie Journal of Transport Geography 19 (1), 170-178, 2011 | 202 | 2011 |
Believers' estimates of God's beliefs are more egocentric than estimates of other people's beliefs N Epley, BA Converse, A Delbosc, GA Monteleone, JT Cacioppo Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (51), 21533-21538, 2009 | 171 | 2009 |
Exploring the trip chaining behaviour of public transport users in Melbourne G Currie, A Delbosc Transport Policy 18 (1), 204-210, 2011 | 139 | 2011 |
Understanding bus rapid transit route ridership drivers: An empirical study of Australian BRT systems G Currie, A Delbosc Transport Policy 18 (5), 755-764, 2011 | 138 | 2011 |
Estimating the trip generation impacts of autonomous vehicles on car travel in Victoria, Australia LT Truong, C De Gruyter, G Currie, A Delbosc Transportation 44, 1279-1292, 2017 | 136 | 2017 |
Exploring public transport usage trends in an ageing population G Currie, A Delbosc Transportation 37, 151-164, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |
Social media use during unplanned transit network disruptions: A review of literature B Pender, G Currie, A Delbosc, N Shiwakoti Transport reviews 34 (4), 501-521, 2014 | 117 | 2014 |
Factors influencing travel mode choice among families with young children (aged 0–4): a review of the literature L McCarthy, A Delbosc, G Currie, A Molloy Transport reviews 37 (6), 767-781, 2017 | 110 | 2017 |
Factors Influencing Young Peoples ‘Perceptions of Personal Safety on Public Transport G Currie, A Delbosc, S Mahmoud Journal of public transportation 16 (1), 1-19, 2013 | 103 | 2013 |
Disruption recovery in passenger railways: International survey B Pender, G Currie, A Delbosc, N Shiwakoti Transportation research record 2353 (1), 22-32, 2013 | 97 | 2013 |
Changing demographics and young adult driver license decline in Melbourne, Australia (1994–2009) A Delbosc, G Currie Transportation 41, 529-542, 2014 | 92 | 2014 |
Delay or forgo? A closer look at youth driver licensing trends in the United States and Australia A Delbosc Transportation 44, 919-926, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Transport disadvantage: a review G Currie, A Delbosc New perspectives and methods in transport and social exclusion research, 15-25, 2011 | 78 | 2011 |