Christopher X Wong
Christopher X Wong
University of California San Francisco; University of Adelaide & Royal Adelaide Hospital
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Long-Term Effect of Goal Directed Weight Management in an Atrial Fibrillation Cohort: A Long-term Follow-Up StudY (LEGACY Study)
RK Pathak, ME Middeldorp, M Meredith, AB Mehta, R Mahajan, CX Wong, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 2015
Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and death: systematic review and meta-analysis
A Odutayo, CX Wong, AJ Hsiao, S Hopewell, DG Altman, CA Emdin
bmj 354, i4482, 2016
Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease, renal disease, and death
A Odutayo, CX Wong, AJ Hsiao, S Hopewell, DG Altman, CA Emdin
BMJ: British Medical Journal 354, 2016
Epidemiology of Sudden Cardiac Death: Global and Regional Perspectives
CX Wong, A Brown, DH Lau, SS Chugh, CM Albert, JM Kalman, ...
Heart, Lung and Circulation 28 (1), 6-14, 2019
Pericardial fat is associated with atrial fibrillation severity and ablation outcome
CX Wong, HS Abed, P Molaee, AJ Nelson, AG Brooks, G Sharma, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 57 (17), 1745-1751, 2011
Atrial fibrillation as risk factor for cardiovascular disease and death in women compared with men: systematic review and meta-analysis of cohort studies
CA Emdin, CX Wong, AJ Hsiao, DG Altman, SAE Peters, M Woodward, ...
bmj 352, h7013, 2016
Roberts-‐Thomson KC, Wilson L, De Sciscio P, Young GD, Sanders P. Paroxysmal lone atrial fibrillation is associated with abnormal atrial substrate: characterizing the “second …
MK Stiles, B John, CX Wong, P Kuklik, AG Brooks, DH Lau, H Dimitri
J Am Coll Cardiol 53, 1182-1191, 2009
Paroxysmal lone atrial fibrillation is associated with an abnormal atrial substrate: characterizing the “second factor”
MK Stiles, B John, CX Wong, P Kuklik, AG Brooks, DH Lau, H Dimitri, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 53 (14), 1182-1191, 2009
Paroxysmal Lone Atrial Fibrillation Is Associated With an Abnormal Atrial Substrate: Characterizing the
MK Stiles, B John, CX Wong, P Kuklik, AG Brooks, DH Lau, H Dimitri, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 0
AKI and Long-Term Risk for Cardiovascular Events and Mortality
A Odutayo, CX Wong, M Farkouh, DG Altman, S Hopewell, CA Emdin, ...
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, ASN. 2016010105, 2016
Meta-Analysis of Anxiety as a Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
CA Emdin, A Odutayo, CX Wong, J Tran, AJ Hsiao, BHM Hunn
The American Journal of Cardiology, 2016
Epicardial fat and atrial fibrillation: current evidence, potential mechanisms, clinical implications, and future directions
CX Wong, AN Ganesan, JB Selvanayagam
European heart journal 38 (17), 1294-1302, 2017
Associations of Epicardial, Abdominal, and Overall Adiposity With Atrial Fibrillation
CX Wong, MT Sun, A Odutayo, CA Emdin, R Mahajan, DH Lau, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9 (12), e004378, 2016
Hypertension and atrial fibrillation: Evidence of progressive atrial remodeling with electrostructural correlate in a conscious chronically instrumented ovine model
DH Lau, L Mackenzie, DJ Kelly, PJ Psaltis, AG Brooks, M Worthington, ...
Heart Rhythm 7 (9), 1282-1290, 2010
Integrated care in atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis
C Gallagher, AD Elliott, CX Wong, G Rangnekar, ME Middeldorp, ...
Heart 103 (24), 1947-1953, 2017
Associations of Epicardial, Abdominal, and Overall Adiposity With Atrial Fibrillation
CX Wong, MT Sun, A Odutayo, CA Emdin, R Mahajan, DH Lau, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 9 (12), e004378, 2016
The increasing burden of atrial fibrillation compared with heart failure and myocardial infarction: a 15-year study of all hospitalizations in Australia
CX Wong, AG Brooks, DP Leong, KC Roberts-Thomson, P Sanders
Archives of internal medicine 172 (9), 739-741, 2012
Alcohol and incident atrial fibrillation–A systematic review and meta-analysis
C Gallagher, JML Hendriks, AD Elliott, CX Wong, G Rangnekar, ...
International Journal of Cardiology 246, 46-52, 2017
Time Course of Inflammation, Myocardial Injury, and Prothrombotic Response After Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
HS Lim, C Schultz, J Dang, M Alasady, DH Lau, AG Brooks, CX Wong, ...
Circulation: Arrhythmia and Electrophysiology 7 (1), 83-89, 2014
Electroanatomical Remodeling of the Atria in Obesity: Impact of Adjacent Epicardial Fat
R Mahajan, A Nelson, RK Pathak, ME Middeldorp, CX Wong, DJ Twomey, ...
JACC: Clinical Electrophysiology 4 (12), 1529-1540, 2018
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Articles 1–20