Phillip Hamer
Phillip Hamer
School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, The University of New South Wales
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Cited by
Dielectric surface passivation for silicon solar cells: A review
RS Bonilla, B Hoex, P Hamer, PR Wilshaw
physica status solidi (a) 214 (7), 1700293, 2017
Advanced bulk defect passivation for silicon solar cells
BJ Hallam, PG Hamer, SR Wenham, MD Abbott, A Sugianto, AM Wenham, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4 (1), 88-95, 2013
Hydrogen induced degradation: A possible mechanism for light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation in n-type silicon
D Chen, PG Hamer, M Kim, TH Fung, G Bourret-Sicotte, S Liu, CE Chan, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 185, 174-182, 2018
Advanced hydrogenation of dislocation clusters and boron-oxygen defects in silicon solar cells
BJ Hallam, PG Hamer, S Wang, L Song, N Nampalli, MD Abbott, CE Chan, ...
Energy Procedia 77, 799-809, 2015
Hydrogen passivation of BO defects in Czochralski silicon
BJ Hallam, SR Wenham, PG Hamer, MD Abbott, A Sugianto, CE Chan, ...
Energy Procedia 38, 561-570, 2013
Manipulation of hydrogen charge states for passivation of P-type wafers in photovoltaics
P Hamer, B Hallam, S Wenham, M Abbott
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 4 (5), 1252-1260, 2014
Eliminating light-induced degradation in commercial p-type Czochralski silicon solar cells
B Hallam, A Herguth, P Hamer, N Nampalli, S Wilking, M Abbott, ...
Applied Sciences 8 (1), 10, 2017
Hydrogen-induced degradation: Explaining the mechanism behind light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation in n-and p-type silicon
D Chen, P Hamer, M Kim, C Chan, AC nee Wenham, F Rougieux, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 207, 110353, 2020
Progress in the understanding of light‐and elevated temperature‐induced degradation in silicon solar cells: a review
D Chen, M Vaqueiro Contreras, A Ciesla, P Hamer, B Hallam, M Abbott, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 29 (11), 1180-1201, 2021
Hydrogen-induced degradation
AC née Wenham, S Wenham, R Chen, C Chan, D Chen, B Hallam, ...
2018 IEEE 7th world conference on photovoltaic energy conversion (WCPEC)(A …, 2018
Development of advanced hydrogenation processes for silicon solar cells via an improved understanding of the behaviour of hydrogen in silicon
BJ Hallam, PG Hamer, AM Ciesla née Wenham, CE Chan, ...
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 28 (12), 1217-1238, 2020
Accelerated formation of the boron–oxygen complex in p‐type Czochralski silicon
P Hamer, B Hallam, M Abbott, S Wenham
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 9 (5), 297-300, 2015
Modelling of hydrogen transport in silicon solar cell structures under equilibrium conditions
P Hamer, B Hallam, RS Bonilla, PP Altermatt, P Wilshaw, S Wenham
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (4), 2018
Advanced hydrogenation of silicon solar cells
SR Wenham, PG Hamer, BJ Hallam, A Sugianto, CE Chan, L Song, ...
US Patent 9,412,897, 2016
Laser enhanced hydrogen passivation of silicon wafers
L Song, A Wenham, S Wang, P Hamer, MS Ahmmed, B Hallam, L Mai, ...
International Journal of Photoenergy 2015 (1), 193892, 2015
Long term stability of c-Si surface passivation using corona charged SiO2
RS Bonilla, C Reichel, M Hermle, P Hamer, PR Wilshaw
Applied Surface Science 412, 657-667, 2017
Controlling light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation with thin film barrier layers
U Varshney, B Hallam, P Hamer, A Ciesla, D Chen, S Liu, C Sen, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (1), 19-27, 2019
Investigations on accelerated processes for the boron–oxygen defect in p-type Czochralski silicon
P Hamer, B Hallam, M Abbott, C Chan, N Nampalli, S Wenham
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 145, 440-446, 2016
Influence of the formation-and passivation rate of boron-oxygen defects for mitigating carrier-induced degradation in silicon within a hydrogen-based model
B Hallam, M Abbott, N Nampalli, P Hamer, S Wenham
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (6), 2016
Annealing prior to contact firing: A potential new approach to suppress LeTID
C Sen, C Chan, P Hamer, M Wright, U Varshney, S Liu, D Chen, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 200, 109938, 2019
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Articles 1–20