Anita D. Bhappu
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Distinguishing between service relationships and encounters.
BA Gutek, AD Bhappu, MA Liao-Troth, B Cherry
Journal of applied Psychology 84 (2), 218, 1999
When and how do differences matter? An exploration of perceived similarity in teams
ME Zellmer-Bruhn, MM Maloney, AD Bhappu, RB Salvador
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 107 (1), 41-59, 2008
The Japanese family: An institutional logic for Japanese corporate networks and Japanese management
AD Bhappu
Academy of management review 25 (2), 409-415, 2000
Features of service relationships and encounters
BA Gutek, B Cherry, AD Bhappu, S Schneider, L Woolf
Work and occupations 27 (3), 319-352, 2000
Media effects and communication bias in diverse groups
AD Bhappu, TL Griffith, GB Northcraft
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 70 (3), 199-205, 1997
Diversity’s harvest: Interactions of diversity sources and communication technology on creative group performance
RC Giambatista, AD Bhappu
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 111 (2), 116-126, 2010
The role of relational and operational performance in business-to-business customers’ adoption of self-service technology
AD Bhappu, U Schultze
Journal of Service Research 8 (4), 372-385, 2006
Sharing consumers’ brand storytelling: influence of consumers’ storytelling on brand attitude via emotions and cognitions
JH Hong, J Yang, BR Wooldridge, AD Bhappu
Journal of Product & Brand Management 31 (2), 265-278, 2022
At the Crossroads of Culture and Technology social influence and information-sharing processes during negotiation
ZI Barsness, AD Bhappu
The handbook of negotiation and culture, 350, 2004
You've got agreement: Negotiating via email
N Ebner, AD Bhappu, JG Brown, KK Kovach
Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol'y 31, 427, 2009
The effects of demographic diversity and virtual work environments on knowledge processing in teams
AD Bhappu, M Zellmer-Bruhn, V Anand
Virtual teams 8, 149-165, 2001
Measuring consumer engagement in omnichannel retailing: The mobile in-store experience (MIX) index
CA Lawry, AD Bhappu
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 661503, 2021
Perceived risk of COVID-19 and employee decision-making: How psychological distress during the pandemic increases negative performance outcomes among healthcare workers
N Moyo, AD Bhappu, M Bhebhe, F Ncube
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (11), 6762, 2022
Implementing an organization-sponsored sharing platform to build employee engagement
AD Bhappu, U Schultze
MIS Quarterly Executive 17 (2), 109-120, 2018
Incorporating self-serve technology into co-production designs
U Schultze, AD Bhappu
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) 1 (4), 1-23, 2005
The effects of communication media & conflict on team identification in diverse teams
AD Bhappu, JM Crews
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Online communication technology and relational development
AD Bhappu, N Ebner, S Kaufman, NA Welsh
DRI Press, 2009
The sharing economy ideal: implementing an organization-sponsored sharing platform as a CSR program
AD Bhappu, U Schultze
Internet Research 29 (5), 1109-1123, 2019
Providers’ initial trust on an organization-sponsored sharing platform: the framing of coworker collaborative consumption
AD Bhappu, K Blomqvist, T Andreeva, P Zappa, ML Yeo, T Lempiälä
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 2174, 2020
Engaging consumers’ sense of place through food citizenship
R Shifren, CA Lawry, AD Bhappu
Archives of Psychology 1 (3), 2017
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Articles 1–20