Jérôme M W Gippet
Jérôme M W Gippet
Department of Ecology and Evolution, Lausanne, Switzerland
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Human-mediated dispersal in insects
JMW Gippet, AM Liebhold, G Fenn-Moltu, C Bertelsmeier
Current opinion in insect science 35, 96-102, 2019
Invasiveness is linked to greater commercial success in the global pet trade
JMW Gippet, C Bertelsmeier
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (14), e2016337118, 2021
Insect and plant invasions follow two waves of globalisation
A Bonnamour, JMW Gippet, C Bertelsmeier
Ecology Letters 24 (11), 2418-2426, 2021
I’m not like everybody else: urbanization factors shaping spatial distribution of native and invasive ants are species-specific
JMW Gippet, N Mondy, J Diallo-Dudek, A Bellec, A Dumet, L Mistler, ...
Urban Ecosystems 20, 157-169, 2017
Increased acclimation ability accompanies a thermal niche shift of a recent invasion
J Bujan, E Charavel, OK Bates, JMW Gippet, H Darras, C Lebas, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (2), 483-491, 2021
Genomic signatures of thermal adaptation are associated with clinal shifts of life history in a broadly distributed frog
H Cayuela, Y Dorant, BR Forester, DL Jeffries, RM Mccaffery, LA Eby, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (6), 1222-1238, 2021
Compensatory recruitment allows amphibian population persistence in anthropogenic habitats
H Cayuela, B Monod-Broca, JF Lemaître, A Besnard, JMW Gippet, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (38), e2206805119, 2022
Thermal conditions predict intraspecific variation in senescence rate in frogs and toads
H Cayuela, JF Lemaitre, E Muths, R Mccaffrey, T Fretey, BR Schmidt, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 118 (49), 2021
Artificial light at night alters activity, body mass, and corticosterone level in a tropical anuran
J Secondi, N Mondy, JMW Gippet, M Touzot, V Gardette, L Guillard, ...
Behavioral Ecology 32 (5), 932-940, 2021
Reliability of social media data in monitoring the global pet trade in ants
JMW Gippet, Z Sherpa, C Bertelsmeier
Conservation Biology 37 (3), e13994, 2023
Invasive in the North: new latitudinal record for Argentine ants in Europe
NP Charrier, C Hervet, C Bonsergent, M Charrier, L Malandrin, ...
Insectes Sociaux 67 (2), 331-335, 2020
Local coexistence of native and invasive ant species is associated with micro-spatial shifts in foraging activity
JMW Gippet, L George, C Bertelsmeier
Biological Invasions 24, 761–773, 2022
Demography, genetics, and decline of a spatially structured population of lekking bird
H Cayuela, JG Prunier, M Laporte, JMW Gippet, L Boualit, F Guérold, ...
Oecologia 195, 117–129, 2021
Multiple invasions in urbanized landscapes: interactions between the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus and Japanese knotweeds (Fallopia spp.)
JMW Gippet, F Piola, S Rouifed, MR Viricel, S Puijalon, CJ Douady, ...
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 12, 351-360, 2018
Sex differences in adult lifespan and aging rate across mammals: A test of the ‘Mother Curse hypothesis’
H Cayuela, JM Gaillard, C Vieira, V Ronget, JMW Gippet, TC García, ...
Mechanisms of ageing and development 212, 111799, 2023
Factors affecting the availability of data on East African wildlife: the monitoring needs of conservationists are not being met
I Moreno, JMW Gippet, L Fumagalli, PJ Stephenson
Biodiversity and Conservation 32 (1), 249-273, 2023
Accounting for the topology of road networks to better explain human‐mediated dispersal in terrestrial landscapes
C Rocabert, S Fenet, B Kaufmann, JMW Gippet
Ecography, e07068, 2023
The observed link between urbanization and invasion can depend on how invasion is measured
JMW Gippet, C Rocabert, T Colin, J Grangier, H Tauru, A Dumet, N Mondy, ...
Diversity and Distributions 28 (6), 1171-1179, 2022
Land-cover and climate factors contribute to the prevalence of the ectoparasitic fungus Laboulbenia formicarum in its invasive ant host Lasius neglectus
JMW Gippet, T Colin, J Grangier, F Winkler, M Haond, A Dumet, S Tragust, ...
Fungal Ecology 51, 101045, 2021
The global risk of infectious disease emergence from giant land snail invasion and pet trade
JMW Gippet, OK Bates, J Moulin, C Bertelsmeier
Parasites & Vectors 16 (1), 363, 2023
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Articles 1–20