Satomi Hayashi
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Cited by
Shifting the limits in wheat research and breeding using a fully annotated reference genome
R Appels, K Eversole, C Feuillet, B Keller, J Rogers, N Stein, CJ Pozniak, ...
Science 361 (6403), eaar7191, 2018
Molecular analysis of legume nodule development and autoregulation
BJ Ferguson, A Indrasumunar, S Hayashi, MH Lin, YH Lin, DE Reid, ...
Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 52 (1), 61-76, 2010
Molecular mechanisms controlling legume autoregulation of nodulation
DE Reid, BJ Ferguson, S Hayashi, YH Lin, PM Gresshoff
Annals of botany 108 (5), 789-795, 2011
BioNano genome mapping of individual chromosomes supports physical mapping and sequence assembly in complex plant genomes
H Staňková, AR Hastie, S Chan, J Vrána, Z Tulpová, M Kubaláková, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 14 (7), 1523-1531, 2016
Transient Nod factor‐dependent gene expression in the nodulation‐competent zone of soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) roots
S Hayashi, DE Reid, MT Lorenc, J Stiller, D Edwards, PM Gresshoff, ...
Plant Biotechnology Journal 10 (8), 995-1010, 2012
The value of biodiversity in legume symbiotic nitrogen fixation and nodulation for biofuel and food production
PM Gresshoff, S Hayashi, B Biswas, S Mirzaei, A Indrasumunar, D Reid, ...
Journal of plant physiology 172, 128-136, 2015
High-resolution skim genotyping by sequencing reveals the distribution of crossovers and gene conversions in Cicer arietinum and Brassica napus
PE Bayer, P Ruperao, AS Mason, J Stiller, CKK Chan, S Hayashi, Y Long, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128 (6), 1039-1047, 2015
Mechanistic action of gibberellins in legume nodulation
S Hayashi, PM Gresshoff, BJ Ferguson
Journal of integrative plant biology 56 (10), 971-978, 2014
Discovery of single nucleotide polymorphisms in complex genomes using SGSautoSNP
MT Lorenc, S Hayashi, J Stiller, H Lee, S Manoli, P Ruperao, P Visendi, ...
Biology 1 (2), 370-382, 2012
A chromosomal genomics approach to assess and validate the desi and kabuli draft chickpea genome assemblies
P Ruperao, CKK Chan, S Azam, M Karafiátová, S Hayashi, J Čížková, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 12 (6), 778-786, 2014
Are the current gRNA ranking prediction algorithms useful for genome editing in plants?
F Naim, K Shand, S Hayashi, M O’Brien, J McGree, AAT Johnson, ...
PLOS ONE 15 (1), e0227994, 2020
Wild origins of macadamia domestication identified through intraspecific chloroplast genome sequencing
CJ Nock, CM Hardner, JD Montenegro, AAA Termizi, S Hayashi, ...
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 334, 2019
Molecular analysis of lipoxygenases associated with nodule development in soybean
S Hayashi, PM Gresshoff, M Kinkema
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 21 (6), 843-853, 2008
Type B Heterotrimeric G Protein γ-Subunit Regulates Auxin and ABA Signaling in Tomato
G Subramaniam, Y Trusov, C Lopez-Encina, S Hayashi, J Batley, ...
Plant physiology 170 (2), 1117-1134, 2016
A multi-omic Nicotiana benthamiana resource for fundamental research and biotechnology
B Ranawaka, J An, M Lorenc, H Jung, M Sulli, G Aprea, S Roden, ...
bioRxiv, 2022
Identification of systemic responses in soybean nodulation by xylem sap feeding and complete transcriptome sequencing reveal a novel component of the autoregulation pathway
DE Reid, S Hayashi, M Lorenc, J Stiller, D Edwards, PM Gresshoff, ...
Plant biotechnology journal 10 (6), 680-689, 2012
Advances in the Identification of Novel Factors Required in Soybean Nodulation, a Process Critical to Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security
B van Hameren, S Hayashi, PM Gresshoff, BJ Ferguson
J Plant Biol Soil Health 1 (1), 6, 2013
Functional analysis of duplicated Symbiosis Receptor Kinase (SymRK) genes during nodulation and mycorrhizal infection in soybean (Glycine max)
A Indrasumunar, J Wilde, S Hayashi, D Li, PM Gresshoff
Journal of plant physiology 176, 157-168, 2015
Spatiotemporal changes in gibberellin content are required for soybean nodulation
X Chu, H Su, S Hayashi, PM Gresshoff, BJ Ferguson
New Phytologist 234 (2), 479-493, 2022
Germin-like protein 2 gene promoter from rice is responsive to fungal pathogens in transgenic potato plants
F Munir, S Hayashi, J Batley, SMS Naqvi, T Mahmood
Functional & integrative genomics 16 (1), 19-27, 2016
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Articles 1–20