Michael Papinutto
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Cited by
Comfort: A coordinate of user experience in interactive built environments
HS Alavi, H Verma, M Papinutto, D Lalanne
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2017: 16th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2017
Saving energy by maximising daylight and minimising the impact on occupants: An automatic lighting system approach
M Papinutto, R Boghetti, M Colombo, C Basurto, K Reutter, D Lalanne, ...
Energy and Buildings 268, 112176, 2022
Face-information sampling in super-recognizers
JD Dunn, VPL Varela, VI Nicholls, M Papinutto, D White, S Miellet
Psychological science 33 (9), 1615-1630, 2022
“Working in the dark?” investigation of physiological and psychological indices and prediction of back-lit screen users’ reactions to light dimming
M Papinutto, J Nembrini, D Lalanne
Building and Environment 186, 107356, 2020
The Facespan—the perceptual span for face recognition
M Papinutto, J Lao, M Ramon, R Caldara, S Miellet
Journal of Vision 17 (5), 16-16, 2017
Towards the integration of personal task-lighting in an optimised balance between electric lighting and daylighting: A user-centred study of emotion, visual comfort …
M Papinutto, M Colombo, M Golsouzidou, K Reutter, D Lalanne, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042 (1), 012115, 2021
Implementation of machine learning techniques for the quasi real-time blind and electric lighting optimization in a controlled experimental facility
C Basurto, R Boghetti, M Colombo, M Papinutto, J Nembrini, JH Kämpf
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2042 (1), 012112, 2021
Binaural audio in hybrid meetings: Effects on speaker identification, comprehension, and user experience
S Zhong, L Rosset, M Papinutto, D Lalanne, HS Alavi
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 6 (CSCW2), 1-24, 2022
Integrating daylight with general and task lighting: A longitudinal in-the-wild study in individual and open space working areas
C Basurto, M Papinutto, M Colombo, R Boghetti, K Reutter, J Nembrini, ...
Solar Energy Advances 2, 100027, 2022
Watchers do not follow the eye movements of Walkers
M Papinutto, J Lao, D Lalanne, R Caldara
Vision research 176, 130-140, 2020
A smart luminaire in an office environment: impact on light distribution, user interactions and comfort
J Nembrini, JH Kämpf, M Papinutto, D Lalanne
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343 (1), 012164, 2019
Recognizing facial expressions of emotion amid noise: A dynamic advantage
AR Richoz, L Stacchi, P Schaller, J Lao, M Papinutto, V Ticcinelli, ...
Journal of Vision 24 (1), 7-7, 2024
Controlling the trajectory of a moving object substantially shortens the latency of motor responses to visual stimuli
T Le Naour, M Papinutto, M Lobier, JP Bresciani
Iscience 26 (6), 2023
Enhancing user acceptance in automated systems with human-centric lighting: the role of visual comfort, personality, and preference
M Papinutto, M Colombo, R Boghetti, C Basurto, K Reutter, D Lalanne, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600 (11), 112004, 2023
Using eye movements to isolate information use for faces and ecologically valid information sampling in the wild
M Papinutto
University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2021
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Articles 1–15