Robert J Cooper
Robert J Cooper
biomedical optics research laboratory & martinos centre for biomedical imaging
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Cited by
Motion artifacts in functional near-infrared spectroscopy: a comparison of motion correction techniques applied to real cognitive data
S Brigadoi, L Ceccherini, S Cutini, F Scarpa, P Scatturin, J Selb, ...
Neuroimage 85, 181-191, 2014
A systematic comparison of motion artifact correction techniques for functional near-infrared spectroscopy
RJ Cooper, J Selb, L Gagnon, D Phillip, HW Schytz, HK Iversen, M Ashina, ...
Frontiers in neuroscience 6, 147, 2012
Anatomical guidance for functional near-infrared spectroscopy: AtlasViewer tutorial
CM Aasted, MA Yücel, RJ Cooper, J Dubb, D Tsuzuki, L Becerra, ...
Neurophotonics 2 (2), 020801-020801, 2015
Best practices for fNIRS publications
MA Yücel, A Lühmann, F Scholkmann, J Gervain, I Dan, H Ayaz, D Boas, ...
Neurophotonics 8 (1), 012101, 2021
Short separation channel location impacts the performance of short channel regression in NIRS
L Gagnon, RJ Cooper, MA Yücel, KL Perdue, DN Greve, DA Boas
Neuroimage 59 (3), 2518-2528, 2012
How short is short? Optimum source–detector distance for short-separation channels in functional near-infrared spectroscopy
S Brigadoi, RJ Cooper
Neurophotonics 2 (2), 025005-025005, 2015
Quantification of the cortical contribution to the NIRS signal over the motor cortex using concurrent NIRS-fMRI measurements
L Gagnon, MA Yücel, M Dehaes, RJ Cooper, KL Perdue, J Selb, ...
Neuroimage 59 (4), 3933-3940, 2012
Further improvement in reducing superficial contamination in NIRS using double short separation measurements
L Gagnon, MA Yücel, DA Boas, RJ Cooper
Neuroimage 85, 127-135, 2014
Performance assessment of time-domain optical brain imagers, part 1: basic instrumental performance protocol
H Wabnitz, DR Taubert, M Mazurenka, O Steinkellner, A Jelzow, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 19 (8), 086010-086010, 2014
Targeted principle component analysis: a new motion artifact correction approach for near-infrared spectroscopy
MA Yücel, J Selb, RJ Cooper, DA Boas
Journal of innovative optical health sciences 7 (02), 1350066, 2014
Review of recent progress toward a fiberless, whole-scalp diffuse optical tomography system
H Zhao, RJ Cooper
Neurophotonics 5 (1), 011012-011012, 2018
Optical imaging and spectroscopy for the study of the human brain: status report
H Ayaz, WB Baker, G Blaney, DA Boas, H Bortfeld, K Brady, J Brake, ...
Neurophotonics 9 (S2), S24001, 2022
Validating atlas-guided DOT: a comparison of diffuse optical tomography informed by atlas and subject-specific anatomies
RJ Cooper, M Caffini, J Dubb, Q Fang, A Custo, D Tsuzuki, B Fischl, ...
NeuroImage 62 (3), 1999-2006, 2012
Reducing motion artifacts for long-term clinical NIRS monitoring using collodion-fixed prism-based optical fibers
MA Yücel, J Selb, DA Boas, SS Cash, RJ Cooper
Neuroimage 85, 192-201, 2014
Functional imaging of the human brain using a modular, fibre-less, high-density diffuse optical tomography system
D Chitnis, RJ Cooper, L Dempsey, S Powell, S Quaggia, D Highton, ...
Biomedical optics express 7 (10), 4275-4288, 2016
A 4D neonatal head model for diffuse optical imaging of pre-term to term infants
S Brigadoi, P Aljabar, M Kuklisova-Murgasova, SR Arridge, RJ Cooper
NeuroImage 100, 385-394, 2014
Functional imaging of the developing brain with wearable high-density diffuse optical tomography: a new benchmark for infant neuroimaging outside the scanner environment
EM Frijia, A Billing, S Lloyd-Fox, EV Rosas, L Collins-Jones, ...
NeuroImage 225, 117490, 2021
Wearable, integrated eeg–fnirs technologies: A review
J Uchitel, EE Vidal-Rosas, RJ Cooper, H Zhao
Sensors 21 (18), 6106, 2021
Diffuse optical tomography to investigate the newborn brain
CW Lee, RJ Cooper, T Austin
Pediatric research 82 (3), 376-386, 2017
MONSTIR II: a 32-channel, multispectral, time-resolved optical tomography system for neonatal brain imaging
RJ Cooper, E Magee, N Everdell, S Magazov, M Varela, D Airantzis, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 85 (5), 2014
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Articles 1–20