Toan Dinh Nguyen
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Cited by
The multi-modal Australian ScienceS Imaging and Visualization Environment (MASSIVE) high performance computing infrastructure: applications in neuroscience and neuroinformatics …
WJ Goscinski, P McIntosh, UC Felzmann, A Maksimenko, CJ Hall, ...
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 8, 30, 2014
Extracellular loop 2 of the adenosine A1 receptor has a key role in orthosteric ligand affinity and agonist efficacy
ATN Nguyen, JA Baltos, T Thomas, TD Nguyen, LL Munoz, KJ Gregory, ...
Molecular Pharmacology 90 (6), 703-714, 2016
Role of the second extracellular loop of the adenosine A1 receptor on allosteric modulator binding, signaling, and cooperativity
ATN Nguyen, EA Vecchio, T Thomas, TD Nguyen, L Aurelio, ...
Molecular pharmacology 90 (6), 715-725, 2016
Early melanoma diagnosis with sequential dermoscopic images
Z Yu, J Nguyen, TD Nguyen, J Kelly, C Mclean, P Bonnington, L Zhang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 41 (3), 633-646, 2021
Binarization of text region based on fuzzy clustering and histogram distribution in signboards
J Park, TN Dinh, G Lee
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 43, 85-90, 2008
Estimation of respiratory rate using infrared video in an inpatient population: An observational study
P Chan, G Wong, T Dinh Nguyen, T Nguyen, J McNeil, I Hopper
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 34, 1275-1284, 2020
3D-stereoscopic immersive analytics projects at Monash University and University of Konstanz
B Sommer, DG Barnes, S Boyd, T Chandler, M Cordeil, T Czauderna, ...
Proceedings on IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2017 …, 2017
Large-scale comparative visualisation of sets of multidimensional data
D Vohl, DG Barnes, CJ Fluke, G Poudel, N Georgiou-Karistianis, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 2, e88, 2016
Low-complexity text extraction in korean signboards for mobile applications
TN Dinh, J Park, GS Lee
2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information …, 2008
Color image segmentation using tensor voting based color clustering
TD Nguyen, G Lee
Pattern Recognition Letters 33 (5), 605-614, 2012
Tensor voting based text localization in natural scene images
TD Nguyen, J Park, G Lee
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 17 (7), 639-642, 2010
Korean text detection and binarization in color signboards
TN Dinh, J Park, GS Lee
2008 International Conference on Advanced Language Processing and Web …, 2008
Side information generation using extra information in distributed video coding
TN Dinh, GS Lee, JY Chang, HJ Cho
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information …, 2007
An anisotropic diffusion based on diagonal edges
HS Kim, JM Yoo, MS Park, TN Dinh, GS Lee
the 9th international conference on advanced communication technology 1, 384-388, 2007
Skin Lesion Recognition with Class-Hierarchy Regularized Hyperbolic Embeddings
Z Yu, T Nguyen, Y Gal, L Ju, SS Chandra, L Zhang, P Bonnington, V Mar, ...
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2022
Efficient MPEG‐4 to H. 264/AVC Transcoding with Spatial Downscaling
TD Nguyen, GS Lee, JY Chang, HJ Cho
ETRI journal 29 (6), 826-828, 2007
A novel motion compensated frame interpolation method for improving side information in distributed video coding
TN Dinh, GS Lee, JY Chang, HJ Cho
2007 International Symposium on Information Technology Convergence (ISITC …, 2007
Tensor voting based color clustering
TN Dinh, J Park, C Lee, G Lee
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 597-600, 2010
Reducing spatial resolution for MPEG-4/H. 264 transcoding with efficient motion reusing
TN Dinh, JM Yoo, S Park, GS Lee, JY Chang, HJ Cho
7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2007
Moving object detection based on clausius entropy
J Park, W Cho, G Lee, S Park
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Information and Systems 94 (2), 388-391, 2011
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Articles 1–20